"Tell me, why are you provoking these people? Judging from this situation, you seem to have something incredible in your hands. Otherwise, they wouldn't kill you!"

After dealing with the members of the root organization, Natsume Yang came to the ANBU again and asked expressionlessly.

 This ANBU is indeed related to him, because this is one of his former subordinates in the ANBU.

"The reason why I am being hunted is also very simple, because I have a list of Konoha traitors in my hand, and some members of the Root Organization are involved in it!"

“I originally wanted to leave it to the Hokage-sama, but I didn’t expect that the news was leaked and they were targeting me, so I ended up being chased by them!”

 After the crisis was resolved, the ANBU member managed to hold himself up and answered Natsume Yang's question.

"Then it seems that there are some incredible people on this list. Otherwise, there is no need for Danzo-sama to be so excited. Okay, there's nothing else to do. Go and return to Hokage-sama."

Hearing this, Xia Muyang couldn't help but squinted his eyes and showed an inexplicable smile.

“Then I’ll say goodbye here, Captain Tianxin!”

The ANBU bowed to Natsume Yang, then put away the scrolls on his body, jumped up and left.

"Why should you help the ANBU instead of helping the members of the root organization? Don't you believe in the ability of the members of the root organization to handle things, or maybe, as the captain of the ANBU, you have a certain tendency towards the ANBU?"

“After all, whether it’s the Anbu or the Root Organization, everyone is an unknown person who secretly maintains peace in Konoha. Isn’t it the same if this list of traitors is handed over to Lord Hokage or Lord Danzo?”

At this moment, Uchiha Itachi, who had been watching the battle, looked at Natsume Yang and asked.

After hearing this, Natsume Yang couldn't help but smile, and then shamelessly stole Uchiha Shisui's famous saying: "Although ninjas are nameless people who support peace in the dark, using force to force people into submission and maintaining order by force cannot be achieved at all. Let’s make peace!”

"If the people who maintain peace in Konoha are like the members of the Root Organization, who use absolute force to coerce others in order to force others to agree with their wishes, then I think it is safer to leave it to the ANBU!"

“At least the ANBU belongs directly to Hokage-sama, and this scroll can reach Hokage-sama!”

“But it’s not certain if it’s left to the members of the Root Organization. No one knows what choice Danzo-sama will make. I can’t even guarantee whether the choice he makes will be beneficial to Konoha!”

“Compared to Danzo-sama, I still believe in Hokage-sama’s ability more!” Natsume Yang expressed his reasoning and explained it.

"It does make sense, that seems to be the case. Compared to Hokage-sama, Danzo-sama's methods are indeed a bit unacceptable!"

After hearing this, Uchiha Itachi nodded, seemingly agreeing with what Natsume Yang just said.

"Okay, go back and recuperate. Your Chunin exam will be in two days, so work hard. Of course, with your ability, you should have no problem passing the Chunin exam!"

 After saying that, Natsume Yang patted Uchiha Itachi on the shoulder and left directly.

"If possible, I really hope that this chunin exam will never come. Farewell, Teacher Natsume Yang, I don't know when I will be able to meet you again as Uchiha Itachi!"

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