According to the normal plot, the more rewards the mission has, the more difficult the mission will be.

Natsume Yang compared it and found that the experience value for encountering the Fourth Raikage was only 7,000, but this time, it was directly 10,000. In other words, the enemy he encountered this time was more terrifying than the Fourth Raikage!

"The only ninjas in this world who are more powerful than the Fourth Raikage are the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen and the Third Tsuchikage Ohnoki! But there is no way these two people are related to my mission!"

“Besides, I am very confident in my hiding skills, and with the help of the system, even the Fourth Raikage cannot easily discover me!”

“It’s impossible for me to be so unlucky that I just happened to meet the Fourth Raikage and the others!”

“Since there are no problems with these and there is no error in the system, there is only one possibility!”

 “Someone betrayed me and leaked my information! So that I will be under siege!”

When he thought of this, Natsume Yang's eyes suddenly turned cold. For some reason, Danzo's sneer face automatically appeared in his mind.

 He suspected that Danzo betrayed him, but he had no evidence!

 Without evidence, it is impossible for the Third Hokage to attack his old friend because of his suspicion.

"This is really a big problem! Such a meticulous arrangement is really not something ordinary people can make!"

“Duanzo, don’t let me know that this matter has anything to do with you. Now I don’t need to be afraid of you anymore!”

After Natsume Yang packed up his luggage, he calmed down and changed his clothes. In the Kingdom of Thunder, it’s better to be careful!

“According to the information on the scroll, this Anbu should be in a market town in the east about ten miles away from me!”

"He is surrounded by Yun Ninja Village, so he shouldn't be able to go far! He may even stay in that market town, playing a hide-and-seek game with the Yun Ninja Village ninjas!"

After confirming his thoughts, Xia Muyang found the target direction and embarked on the rescue journey.

 On the other side, Yunyin Village!

"Raikage-sama, can we believe someone like Danzo Shimura?" Mabuyi asked doubtfully.

She really couldn't imagine that as one of the Mars advisors of Konoha Village and a mature politician, even if he hated Natsume Yang, he wouldn't do such a stupid thing. Doesn't this directly weaken the strength of Konoha Village?

 Can’t the Third Hokage not see it? After seeing this, would you allow something like this to happen again?

“Haha, Mabuyi, you are worrying too much. If it were someone else, I would really not believe this information, but if it were Shimura Danzo, then I really wouldn’t doubt it!”

"The Third Hokage is not as upright as you think. Do you know how Konoha White Fang, who was famous in the ninja world, died?"

"Didn't he commit suicide? It is said that he couldn't stand the criticism from his companions...!"

Mabuyi answered without thinking, but just in the middle of speaking, she suddenly covered her mouth because she suddenly thought of a possibility.

 “Haha, you thought of it!”

“Yes, as you think, the reason why Konoha White Fang died was because of the partnership between the Third Hokage and Shimura Danzo!”

 Speaking of this, the Fourth Raikage couldn't help but sneer at the corner of his mouth, paused and continued.

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