The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 487: The rewards are too generous, right?

"The mission level is S. If there are no problems, let's go quickly. Time is life!"

Seeing Natsume Yang's face as if he couldn't hear, the Third Hokage couldn't help but slightly accentuated his tone.

“I know, let’s set off right away! I hope I won’t be chased by the Raikage by then, otherwise, it will really be a headache!”

 In a place that Natsume Yang didn’t know, there was a dark corner of the root organization.

"Natsume Yang, this time, I want to see how you escape death. I think that when Raikage knew that you would step into the Kingdom of Thunder, he must have been so happy that he almost went crazy!"

“I’m really tired of trying to blackmail me. No one can blackmail me except Hiruzen.”

Danzo originally thought he would feel a little guilty when he made this decision. After all, Natsume Yo was now the second pillar of Konoha, but when he actually did it, he discovered that by getting rid of Natsume Yo, he I still feel a little happy in my heart!

If Natsume Yo is not eliminated, he will inevitably have to compete with Natsume Yo if he wants to ascend to the position of Hokage of Konoha Village in the future.

Not to mention, although Danzo is always against Natsume Yo, he really doesn't have the confidence to compete with Natsume Yo for the position of Hokage.

  After all, regardless of age, strength, or reputation, Natsume Yang must be more in line with the image of Hokage among the residents of Konoha Village.

It will take at least ten years for the Third Hokage to step down as Hokage, and Danzo is not sure how strong Natsume Yo will become in these ten years.

 Therefore, in order for him to avoid obstacles in becoming Hokage in the future, he can only nip future threats in the cradle now.

Moreover, the relationship between him and Xia Muyang has already been on fire and water. He hates Xia Muyang to the core, and Xia Muyang also thinks about it. The bad relationship between the two is just the last fig leaf.

 In this case, there is no guilt at all.

“The rescue mission in the Kingdom of Thunder is really a nerve-wracking mission. If something unexpected happens then, it will be really troublesome!”

Thinking of the four generations of Thunder Shadow in Yunnan Village, Natsume Yang was a little numb. The guy was simply a human -shaped reckless beast, which was too dangerous!

Not only is he fast, his strength is extremely high, but his defense is also terrifying. Normal frontal methods cannot hurt him at all.

Natsume Yang didn't know that Danzo had leaked his whereabouts to the Cloud Ninja Village. He thought that even if he and Danzo were at odds with each other, Danzo would never do such a thing that hurts relatives and makes enemies happy. Things started like this on the journey to the Kingdom of Thunder.

“Why do I always feel that something is wrong with this mission? The reward given by the system is actually 10,000 experience points. Is this a joke?”

“Isn’t it just to rescue an intelligence officer? No matter how dangerous or unexpected it is, Ding Po Tian will only encounter an opponent like Saruyi, but Saruyi is only worth one or two thousand experience points!”

"But this time it actually jumped to 10,000. This is the kind of treatment you only get when you meet one or two Five Shadows level experts! My dear system, don't tell me that I will meet two Five Shadows level this time. opponent!"

 The release of the system mission did not appear until Natsume Yang was about to arrive in the center of the Land of Thunder.

 The content of the mission is as follows: "Ding! It has been detected that the host is about to go to the Kingdom of Thunder to rescue its companions!"

“Publish the mission: recover the intelligence, ensure the safety of the intelligence and ANBU members, and **** them to Konoha Village!”

“Task reward: +10,000 experience points, +30,000 gold coins, +2 sealing speed, +1 illusion resistance, title: Light of Hope, and an ice escape upgrade scroll!”

 Such a reward is too generous, and it makes Natsume Yang a little panicked.

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