Then, just as Natsume Yang expected, the two highnesses rioted that night and wanted to seize power by force.

 The next thing was very simple. Knowing who had harmed him, he executed His Highness resolutely. In the face of the riot, the other two Highnesses did not show any mercy and killed them directly.

Natsume Yang, on the other hand, showed no mercy. After catching the member of the Root Organization who framed him and Kanyue Qianxia, ​​he directly used the God Control Curse to get the answer he wanted from his head.

However, Natsume Yang was still shocked by Danzo's crazy plan: Danzo and His Highness colluded to create this crisis, and the former wanted to use this to make Natsume Yang unable to stand up forever and get rid of the thorn in his side;

 The latter wanted to kill the daimyo, replace him, and dominate the country.

"Thank you!" In the midst of the blood, the daimyo and Natsume Yang, who were still a little pale, looked at each other, and then smiled at each other, showing a fox-like smile.

"Danzo, you and His Highness wanted to get rid of the daimyo and then frame me. I'm afraid they failed. But you, you may have to be more careful in the future!" Natsume Yang thought in his heart.

The next day, the daimyo awarded Natsumeyo the position of Zaemon Governor in recognition of his efforts, and Kanzuki Chinatsu also received the position of deputy minister of Zaemon Governor.

 As for the daimyo's practice of winning people's hearts, Natsume Yo could only acquiesce.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the mission, experience value +1500, gold coin +3000, illusion resistance +2, seal hand speed +1, title: Chaos Controller!”

It has been three days since Natsume Yo and others returned to Konoha Village, and Danzo’s spy, Natsume Yo, has already been executed by his own hands.

As for why it took so long, it was of course because two people regarded the task as an outing, abusing the dog as if no one was around, and spreading dog food like crazy.

Just like a girl who used to be peaceful, but now she has learned to act like a spoiled child, and suddenly asks someone to carry her while walking.

 What else can a sinister boy do to this kind of request? He can only comply with it.

Hokage's office!

 “This is the summary scroll of this mission, please read it!”

 Natsume Yang handed a scroll to the Third Hokage, and then stepped aside.

"Well, you did a good job. Although it was a little extreme, it is understandable that you can eliminate the rebellion and help the daimyo. You also got a position as the governor of the Zaemon Gate. Do your best, Natsume Yo!"

 “The pillar of Konoha, and the future of Konoha, will depend on you!”

 After the Third Hokage closed the scroll, he took a puff of cigarette and smiled.

"It's not because of your leadership that you have created such a harmonious and stable place in Konoha Village. Otherwise, I would have been dead long ago, and how could I have achieved today's results!"

 Xia Muyang opened his mouth and flattered the third generation. Looking at the smile on the corner of the third generation's mouth, one could tell that he was very satisfied with Xia Muyang's flattery.

“Okay, you are so sweet, I will give you two days to rest. There are still many things that you need to do next. You are busy, so don’t shirk it then!”

 The Third Hokage looked like he was seeing off a guest, with a look of disgust on his face.

 “Hahaha, okay, let me go!”

Seeing this, Xia Muyang couldn't help laughing, then opened the door and left.

The moment the door closed, the smile on the Third Hokage's face disappeared immediately. He looked at the direction Natsume Yang left and narrowed his eyes.

As for Natsume Yang, the same thing happened, and his smile disappeared instantly.

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