“I know, I will!”

Xia Muyang sighed, scratched his head, and responded.

He took a cursory look at the contents of the scroll. The general content was that the current daimyo of the Fire Country was suddenly infected with an unknown poison and became seriously ill. According to the practice of the Fire Country, he sent a request for help to the Leaf Village.

The Leaf Village has also dispatched the most outstanding medical ninja unit of the medical hospital, Kantsuki Chinatsu is also among them, and Natsume Yang's task is to **** the medical ninjas, mainly Kantsuki Chinatsu.

Go to the Daiming Mansion of the Country of Fire, detoxify the current Daimyo of the Country of Fire, and restore order in the Country of Fire.

 “This task is not easy to do, it’s a bit of a headache!”

 Natsume Yang put away the scroll. Not sure if it was his imagination, but he always felt that this mission was full of conspiracy.

“Ding! It has been detected that the host is about to go to the Country of Fire to perform a mission!”

 "Release mission: Escort the medical ninja to the Country of Fire, and successfully revive the Daimyo of the Country of Fire!"

“Task reward: experience value +1500, gold coin +3000, illusion resistance +2, seal hand speed +1, title: Chaos Ruler!”

The system's voice sounded at the right time, but the last title made Natsume Yang frown.

 What does it mean to be a rioter? Does this mean that this operation will encounter rebellion?

"Is it my imagination? The Third Hokage shouldn't harm me for no reason!"

 Natsume Yang was deep in thought on the way out of the Hokage's office.

Although there is nothing unusual about this task, the system task prompts have reflected some abnormalities.

 Besides, why did the Medical Institute recommend Kanzuki Chinatsu as a representative? Kanzuki Chinatsu’s medical technology is indeed very powerful, but there are people in Konoha Medical Institute who are more powerful than him, such as the president and deputy director of the medical institute.

 However, in the face of such a great achievement, these two people did not go by themselves, but recommended Kanyue Qianxia to go. This seems a bit abnormal.

"It seems that I have to judge a gentleman's heart with a villain's heart for once. It really complies with the saying: guarding against others is indispensable!" Moreover, isn't there a King of Pots group secretly in Konoha? Hidden?

After Natsume Yo and his party arrived in the Land of Fire, due to class issues, few of the samurai and generals looked at them seriously. If Natsume Yo hadn't suppressed them, other ninjas in Konoha might have exploded.

On the contrary, the eldest princess of the Fire Country, Masako Kawayasu, treated her with courtesy, which made Natsume Yang sigh. If the eldest princess was mainly a man, she would probably be the next daimyo of the Fire Country by now.

 But the reality is so cruel. During the period when the Minister of the Fire Nation was in coma, the government of the Fire Nation was almost controlled by the three heirs, and became a battlefield for them to compete for power.

The rescue work did not go well the next day. A spy sent by Danzo was mixed into the team. His small actions caused the health of the Fire Country Daimyo to deteriorate.

Then, Kanzuki Chinatsu was falsely accused of harming the daimyo, and was taken to prison and imprisoned.

And Natsume Yang, in order to rescue Kantsuki Qianxia, ​​had to accept the threat of His Highness, the heir, and got rid of all the troops of the other two brothers, and then got involved in the struggle for power.

“However, don’t think that I will obey my instructions. Wouldn’t it be fun to start a war between you? Also, the daimyo’s illness is really strange. Let me try it with a systemic potion!”

That night, Natsume Yang sneaked into the palace of the daimyo after sowing discord. Then, after getting a reply from the system, he safely used the detoxifying potion on the daimyo, and the daimyo woke up.

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