The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 409: It's all Natsumeyo's fault

As for why Natsume Yo was assigned to carry out this mission, it was because he had previously carried out a Kanna-kun Bridge battle with Namikaze Minato, so he had relevant experience and was undoubtedly the most suitable person due to his strong strength.


 Natsume Yang scratched his head with a distressed expression on his face.

"Work hard, your action will affect the direction of the entire war, don't be careless!" Before leaving, the Third Hokage warned him again.

"Understood, I believe there should be no problem. Everyone has experienced war and should be calm people!" Natsume Yang nodded again, and then set foot on the road with his teammate Kakashi and others. mission journey.

“Ding! It has been detected that the host is about to go to the border of the Land of Fire to perform a mission!”

 "Mission released: Successfully destroy Yunyin's supplies and cut off Yunyin's escape route!"

“Task reward: +1200 experience points, +2000 gold coins, +2 sealing speed, +4 illusion resistance, and an ice escape upgrade scroll!” The system’s task arrived on time.

 For this mission, it can be seen that the third generation attaches great importance to it, and the teammates assigned to Natsume Yang are all elites.

It goes without saying that Kakashi, the others are also the elites of the Hyuga clan and the Uchiha clan, ensuring that the mission can be completed.

 The border of the Fire Nation!

“According to the information from the intelligence force, the material transportation team of Yunyin Village will pass through here, but it is not far from the base camp of Yunyin Village. Therefore, this requires us to complete the task efficiently and evacuate immediately after completion.”

“Of course, we must not let the Kumogakure ninja send out a signal, otherwise we will be surrounded by Kumogakure. Our situation is really that there is no way to go to the sky, and no way to enter the earth!”

“You should all understand the importance of this mission. I won’t say any more unnecessary nonsense. Be ready for battle at any time!”

Xia Muyang glanced at everyone, his face serious and solemn.


The rest of the people nodded, then restrained their breath and hid, waiting for the arrival of Kumogakure's troops.

"I hope nothing will happen, otherwise, it would be really bad if we recruit two Jinchuuriki. Their lethality is too great!"

 Xia Muyang stared at the path that Yunyin must pass below and thought in his heart.

It's not that he is afraid of the Jinchuuriki, but that the Jinchuuriki are really good at group battles. He has the strength to deal with the Jinchuuriki, but that doesn't mean other people have it, so he can protect these people from death even when facing the Jinchuuriki. , the difficulty is not small.

 Fortunately, until the Kumo Ninja transport troops appeared, nothing happened beyond Natsume Yang's control. They were well hidden and no flaw was discovered by the Kumo Ninja.


Seeing this, Xia Muyang whispered to the team members behind him.

 “Yes!” All the team members nodded slightly, and they were all ready for the battle.

 And among the Kumogakure team below!

A slightly short, ferocious-looking, but extremely pale-faced Kumo Shinobi cursed angrily: Damn Natsume Yang, if it weren't for him, how could we have been sent to do such a painful job by the Raikage-sama? A tiring and boring task. "

"Who says it's not the case? If it weren't for his words, I should be fighting the enemy bravely on the front line now. How could I be reduced to the rear to carry out the task of transporting supplies?"

“Although such a task is easy and leisurely, and the merit is not bad, it cannot compare with the pleasure of killing enemies on the front line. I did not learn this skill to transport supplies.”

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