The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 408: Natsume Yang is a bit in the way

“Hmph, you are still as eloquent as ever. I really can’t do anything with you. Okay, I’m so seriously injured. Let’s get some treatment quickly. I’ll need your strength in the next war!”

The Third Hokage couldn't help but be speechless and shook his head helplessly. There was really nothing he could do against Natsume Yang.

 “Hehe!” Xia Muyang smiled slyly and led the team back to the camp.

In the tent!

“I accidentally lost my way, and now I have become the most eye-catching presence in the whole war. Alas, this **** warlike bloodline makes people really unable to control themselves!”

Natsume Yang sat cross-legged and put on his clothes, holding his little face in his hands with a look of annoyance.

“However, the rewards from the system are quite generous, and it is not in vain for my hard work. After two battles, I have gained so much experience points. Hey, after all, it is a shadow-level battle, which is completely different from that of a ninja!”

"But it doesn't matter for the time being. The Third Hokage and Konoha need my power. As long as I don't show any abnormality, the relationship between the Third Hokage and me should still be very good!"

"And when he noticed my secret actions, I might have already possessed a strength no less than his. At that time, if I wanted to leave, no one could stop me!" The worries caused by exposing my strength soon disappeared. It was diluted a lot by the rewards given by the system.

"However, didn't the Third Generation once say that he was just assisting us as the head of the Logistics Department? Why did he suddenly appear on the battlefield now? Even if the Fourth Raikage appeared on the battlefield, there would be no need for such a big fight!"

“Maybe he discovered something new after handling the affairs in the village!”

 Natsume Yang thought in his heart.

Other than this possibility, Natsume Yang couldn't figure out why the Third Hokage suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

It can't possibly be because the Third Hokage just wants to come to the front line of the battlefield to take a look. There is no reason.

“What the hell, just win this war, the rest of it has nothing to do with me!”

  Can’t figure it out, and Natsume Yang doesn’t bother to think about it. Anyway, it doesn’t do any harm to him that the Third Hokage comes to the front line in person.

However, if Natsume Yang knew that the reason why the Third Hokage came to the front line in person was because of what he would think about it!

 Maybe you will doubt your life!

Time, three months passed in this arduous and dangerous war.

In the past three months, Natsume Yang was as conspicuous as ever, leading the team to block Kumogakure's plans many times, making the fourth generation Raikage more and more interested in killing Natsume Yang.

Originally, Kumogakure's sudden invasion has already occupied a considerable part of the Land of Fire. As long as nothing happens, they can develop their power through these occupied lands and then engage in a protracted war with Konoha.

However, no one expected that Natsume Yorai would appear. Under the leadership of him and Nara Shikaku and other ninjas, Kumogakure was able to spit out most of the captured positions.

 “Damn Natsume Yo!”

 This sentence may be the most spoken sentence by the Fourth Raikage in this period of time.

On this day, Natsume Yo received the order of the Third Hokage to lead a team to destroy Kumogakure's logistics and material transport troops and cut off their supplies, thus putting Kumogakure into a desperate situation and ultimately winning the battle.

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