The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1714: Is it really just a misunderstanding?

After thoroughly studying this little broken clock, Xia Muyang's attitude towards this little broken clock changed from being extremely cautious to being much more casual!

Hence, he took Xiaopozhong into his Dantian again and began to cultivate it!

  However, when he put the small broken bell into his Dantian, he discovered that his Dantian already had an owner!

A silver-white long sword suddenly appeared, exuding an aura of dominance. The little broken clock in front of him was trembling continuously!

"What is this? The Ice Emperor Sword actually makes this half-step universe tyrant-level spiritual weapon tremble!"

 “When did the Ice Emperor Sword become so powerful!”

He Xia Muyang felt as if he was meeting the Ice Emperor Sword for the first time!

“Is it possible that everything that happened suddenly has something to do with the Ice Emperor Sword?”

An idea suddenly popped into Xia Muyang's head!

Not to mention, Natsume Yang feels more and more that this idea makes sense!

“The Ice Emperor Sword can actually make even a little Po Zhong, who is half a cosmic tyrant, tremble with fear. What level of treasure is he!”

 For the first time, Xia Muyang felt that the Ice Emperor Sword was so powerful!

If Xia Muyang's logic is correct, then this Ice Emperor Sword is at least a treasure of the Universe Overlord level!

 Otherwise, how could Xiao Pozhong, who is a half-step universe tyrant, be afraid?


Xia Muyang thought this and walked out of the secret room without intending to study it now!

He always feels that he has not yet been recognized by the Ice Emperor Sword, so that the Ice Emperor Sword now looks like an ordinary master's weapon, without showing any edge!

“Ice Emperor Sword, I don’t know when I will get your approval!”

 Xia Muyang thought in his heart!


 In another secret room!

 “You are still alive, how is that possible!”

Han Daoyi looked at Natsume who was unscathed, whose breath had not weakened at all, and who had even become much stronger, and exclaimed in disbelief!

 “Why, you’re surprised that I’m still intact?”

"It seems that when you handed over this little broken clock, you concealed something from me, and you had bad intentions!"

Xia Muyang looked at Han Daoyi and showed a very bright smile!

 Seeing this smile, Han Daoyi couldn't help but shuddered heavily.

He instantly had a flattering look on his face and said: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, it's really a misunderstanding, young hero, it's really a misunderstanding, listen to me...ah!!"

Han Daoyi tried to beg for mercy, but Xia Muyang didn't give him this chance at all, and directly activated the strongest illusion and tortured him away!

 This time, Xia Muyang had no reservations at all, and no mercy at all!

Han Daoyi is planning to kill him through Xiao Po Zhong, what else does he have to say!

 Whether a king is successful or a bandit is defeated, no one should blame anyone!


 In the entire secret room, Han Daoyi's screams continued for a full three hours!

 At the end, Han Daoyi was completely unconscious and looked like a mentally disturbed person with a long and dull look and his eyes were lifeless and chaotic!

“Since you are disobedient, I have no choice but to turn you into my slave!”

Just in time, Xia Muyang is just a newcomer when he ventures outside the Baoling Continent, and it is good to have another free and obedient spacewalker who can solve a lot of troubles!

 Then, he used the "God Controlling Curse" that he had mastered to begin to sacrifice Han Daoyi!

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