The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1713: Strange things happen every year


Looking at this scene, Xia Muyang couldn't help but his eyes widened instantly, completely in disbelief!

 He remembered that he seemed to have no connection with this little broken clock!

 How come you can control this little broken clock now!

“Moreover, I have completely recovered. Whether it is blood, spirit, or even vitality, I have completely recovered without feeling weak at all!”

“How long was I in a coma, and what happened during my coma?”

Natsume Yang is really full of questions now!

“Also, what was the trembling feeling that I felt before I fell into coma?”

  Natsume Yang can really be said to be full of question marks!

“Could it be that the Ice Emperor Sword did it?”

Xia Muyang said as he touched the Ice Emperor Sword at his waist and said with some uncertainty!

 But it seems that the Ice Emperor Sword is not that powerful!

 After all, the Ice Emperor Sword has never shown any edge!

“Well, strange things happen every year, and it seems that there are so many this year!”

Xia Muyang scratched his head like this, sighed helplessly, and said!

Then, with a thought in his mind, he looked at the little broken clock again!

“I almost got sucked dry by you. You are really a scary thing. Now I don’t dare to be careless anymore!”

Xia Muyang doesn’t dare to underestimate this little broken clock now!

 He did not dare to let down his guard against the broken clock before he had thoroughly studied it!

 He was afraid that something like this would happen again. If something like this happened again, he would not have such good luck again!

Natsume Yang will not allow himself to continue to do such dangerous things!

Since then, Xia Muyang began to study this little broken clock. He will never leave this secret room without thoroughly studying this treasure!

Xia Muyang himself didn’t know how much time had passed, but he was finally sure that this little broken clock really belonged to him!

"What happened during my coma? Why did this little broken clock suddenly belong to me? I don't seem to have established any connection with this little broken clock!"

Xia Muyang looked at the little broken clock in confusion and said!

 But if he knew, during the period of his coma.

 A certain little broken clock, forced by a certain powerful and boundless sword, not only returned all the blood, spiritual energy, and vitality that belonged to Natsume Yang.

 Furthermore, he also established a humiliating and unequal contract with Natsume Yang.

From now on, unless Xia Muyang breaks the contract himself, the fate of a certain little broken clock will be completely in Xia Muyang's hands!

If Xiao Pozhong could speak, he would probably say: "Brother, don't be such a bully!

 You obviously already have such a powerful treasure, why do you want to establish such a low-level connection with me, causing me such heavy losses?

 Finally accumulated some spiritual energy, energy and blood, but under the pressure of a certain unreasonable long sword, all of them were delivered to you! "

 Natsume Yang definitely doesn’t know these things!

 But he can confirm one thing with certainty, that is, these changes in him must be closely related to Xiao Po Zhong!

All this happened after something went wrong with Xiao Po Zhong!

 So, all of this must be inseparable from the little broken clock!

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