The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1698: Do you really think I don’t understand anything?

Seeing this, the nine sect masters also turned to look for help!

After listening to what Yun said just now, they understood that the next situation was no longer something they could handle!

 Now in the entire Baoling Continent, only Xia Muyang has this ability!

  This is the case if you are powerless!

"I'll try my best. To be honest, this sudden change is completely beyond my expectation!"

“So many powerful things appeared all at once, I was completely confused!”

Xia Muyang couldn't help but smile bitterly when he looked at the eyes of Yun and others!

 Of course he also wants to protect Baoling Continent from harm!

 However, he is also powerless now!

 What was in front of him was a half-step universe master level existence!

That is a level higher than him, and its strength is completely different from his!

A hair can collapse a planet, he can only say, it can’t be offended, it can’t be offended!

 After all, there is only so much he can do to his best!

“If you can break through to the Cosmic Walker as soon as possible, maybe everything will be fine in Baoling Continent!”

Xia Muyang looked embarrassed when he saw it, and Yun spoke again!

“Oh, why is this? Do you get special treatment as a cosmic walker?”

Natsume Yang immediately became interested when he heard this and said!

“When we step into the Universe Walker, our Baoling Continent will be upgraded again. At that time, all the monks in the Baoling Continent will be upgraded by one level!”

“In this case, we will have the qualifications worthy of being attracted by the Golden Crow Clan!”

“At that time, the Golden Crow Clan will not challenge us because of the conflict between us and the Three-Eyed Clan!”

Hearing Yun's words, a look of surprise flashed across Xia Muyang's face. This was the first time he heard such a statement!

 But immediately, he couldn't help showing a wry smile and said: "But how can it be so easy to break through the cosmic walker!"

“I can step from being a controller to a half-step to the realm of cosmic walker, all because of my accumulation and sudden enlightenment!”

“I have no idea how to break through the cosmic walker!”

Hearing this, Yun also sighed suddenly, "This is indeed a difficult problem. I actually ignored it!"

Hearing this, Yun actually sighed, and the nine sect masters couldn't help but be surprised. They looked at Yun in disbelief and said, "Don't you know how to break through to the realm of the cosmic walker?"

They couldn't help but feel a little panicked in their voices. They looked at Yun tightly, for fear of hearing a negative answer from his mouth!

But they were disappointed. Yun sighed and said: "Yes, I only know about those realms!"

"As for how to break through, I really don't know. All of this, I don't know, I have to figure it out myself!"

Hearing this, Xia Muyang couldn't help but sigh!

 This answer made him desperate!

 This is also the answer he least wants to hear!

“That’s all, don’t we still have a few prisoners from the Three-Eyed Clan?”

“Since they have been walking among the stars all year round, they must know these things!”

 “We’ll just ask them, we still have hope!”

Looking at the desperate faces of the nine sect masters, Xia Muyang couldn't help but expressed relief!

“Yes, yes, there are those people from the three-eyed clan, they will definitely know!”

Hearing Xia Muyang’s words, the eyes of the nine sect masters suddenly showed a strong look of hope again!

 Three-eyed tribe, this is their last hope!

 They prayed in their hearts that the three-eyed tribe must know the things they want to ask!

 Otherwise, they are doomed!

At this moment, in the face of a powerful foreign enemy, they had no choice but to temporarily abandon the dirty thoughts in their hearts about plotting against the Luoxian Sect!

ˆWorking together to overcome the current difficulties is the most important thing!

After all, the only sect in the entire continent that can protect Baoling Continent is the Luoxian Sect where Xia Muyang belongs!

If Baoling Continent is no longer there, what nonsense are they planning!

At that time, they were just a bunch of lost dogs, with no dignity at all!

With their strength, they can dominate the Baoling Continent, but facing those cosmic walkers and cosmic tyrants mentioned in Yun's mouth, they are just scum!

Oh, by the way, maybe not even a scumbag!

  "I'd like to trouble Your Excellency Xia Muyang to worry about this matter. The future of Baoling Continent depends on you!"

 The nine sect masters looked at Xia Muyang with pleading expressions on their faces!

"I can't guarantee that they will definitely know. I can only say that I will try my best on this matter! This time, we can only do our best and obey fate!"

“It depends on whether God allows us Baoling Continent to survive this disaster. Whether we can get the results we want depends on God’s blessing!”

Facing the prayers of the nine sect masters, Xia Muyang couldn't help but smile bitterly!

The nine sect masters are really human beings. Faced with this situation, they decisively united with him and stood on the same front!

 Of course, this approach is the most correct!

 “Everyone, please wait for my good news!”

 After saying that, Xia Muyang stood up and left, and Yun also disappeared!

 “But we must succeed!”

Looking at Xia Muyang's leaving figure, they felt that Xia Muyang looked so pleasing to the eye for the first time!


 In the punishment chamber of Luo Xian Sect!

  The main purpose of building this secret room was just to prevent future problems. I didn't think that it would work!

 But now, let’s not talk about it, it’s really working!

“You guy, let us go quickly, otherwise, our three-eyed tribe will definitely not let you go!”

"Let me go quickly, otherwise, when the ancestors of our clan arrive, it will be the end of you!"

As soon as Xia Muyang opened the door, he heard the scolding and threatening voices of Haoyang and others!


 But what Natsume Yang gave them was a direct move of the ‘Friendship Breaking Face Fist’!

“If you don’t want to die, just give me some peace and quiet. You don’t have to trick me anymore. Humph, ancestor? If you have the ability, just let him come. I’ll wait for him here!”

“You don’t think that you can scare me by carrying out an ancestor who has been sitting for thousands of years!”

Xia Muyang grabbed Haoyang’s face and said with extremely cold eyes!

"How do you know this? This is the core secret of our three-eyed clan!"

Hearing Xia Muyang’s words, Haoyang was not excited at all, but the people from the three-eyed clan around him suddenly became excited!

"Haha, a core secret? A core secret that the entire Yandao Starry Sky knows? If everyone in the entire Yandao Starry Sky knows something, can it still be called a secret?"

“Do you really think I’m a country bumpkin and know nothing about you?”

Xia Muyang said with a mocking face and an unpredictable tone!

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