"Yes, from outside the sky! There should be a vast world outside the sky, where there are countless strong people who are tens of thousands of times stronger than me!"

“They may come to our Baoling Continent at any time. From this moment on, our Baoling Continent is about to face new crises and challenges!”

Xia Muyang's tone was full of solemnity at these words, and the hearts of the nine sect masters could not help but sink when they heard this!

Natsume Yang has always given them the impression that he is fearless and invincible!

 Because he does have this kind of strength!

 There is no monk in the entire Baoling Continent who can compete with him!

 Nothing can trouble him!

  Whatever happens, Natsume Yang can handle it!

 But now, the extremely confident Xia Muyang actually showed a solemn expression!

 This made the nine sect masters suddenly feel a sense of panic that the Baoling Continent was not safe!

Seeing their appearance, Xia Muyang continued to speak!

“I did defeat that extraterrestrial enemy, but according to him, he comes from a tribe called the Three-Eyed Clan, and there are strong men in his tribe who can easily destroy our entire Baoling Continent!”

"But it's impossible to let them go like this! We have already offended them. If we are threatened by them again and let them go, we will not even have the last bargaining chip!"

“So, now we don’t have time to study other things, there is only one thing we want to discuss now!”

 “How to deal with the three-eyed tribe, and whether what they say is true!”

Even Xia Muyang said this without any confidence!

He has never been to Baoling Continent, so he is at a loss about what is going on outside and is completely unable to make any judgment!

“Lord Natsume Yang, I can help you with this question!”

At this moment, Xia Muyang, Taoist Moxu and others suddenly heard Yun's voice!

Hearing his voice, the nine sect leaders couldn't help but feel happy and quickly looked towards Yun!

 “Do you know the details of this three-eyed clan?”

Xia Muyang couldn't help but feel a hint of joy in his tone when he looked at Yun who appeared in front of him in his incarnation!

"I know! After all, they are the tribal force in the starry sky closest to our Baoling Continent!"

Yun nodded when he heard the words. After pondering for a while, he said: "What Haoyang said is indeed bluffing you. Haoyang is the strongest being in the entire three-eyed clan!"

“Then I feel relieved. I was so scared that I thought Baoling Continent was about to be destroyed by great power!”

Xia Muyang couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he heard what he said, and said with a relaxed look on his face!

“Their Three-Eyed Clan has a total of 3,000 tribe members, and 15 branch tribes with a total of 50,000 people, plus 150,000 slaves/slaves to drive them!”

“There are currently four controllers among the Three-Eyed Clan, and more than two hundred monks in the Sky Realm! The lowest level of cultivation is also in the Silver Moon Realm, living in the Yandao Starry Sky!”

“Ten thousand years ago, there was an ancestor who reached the realm of cosmic walker, and he was able to run rampant for some time!”

“When every monk of the Three-Eyed Clan reaches the Sky Realm, he will awaken his third eye and imprint the rules on the third eye. He will have wings behind him and have both attack and defense speed!”

“Their best weapons are spears and bows. However, there are also masters who can use various weapons with amazing combat power!”

 Speaking of this, Yun glanced at Xia Muyang and said: "Haoyang, who was defeated by you, is the strongest existence in the Tianyan clan since the death of the ancestor of Three Eyes a thousand years ago!"

 “Use the power of the three-eye rule at full power, and you can briefly fight against the powerful ones at the level of cosmic walkers!”

“Originally, even if something like this didn’t happen, I would have told Master Natsume Yang about these things in half a month!”

“Now that something like this has happened and everyone is here, I will tell you all the rest of the things outside of Baoling Continent!”

Yun thought and organized his words, and then said: "The controller is the lowest standard for stepping into the starry sky!"

“The realm above the controller is called the Universe Walker! Above that, it is the Overlord of the Universe, the King of the Universe, and the Ancestor of the Universe!”

“These four realms and the controller are combined and are called the five realms of the controller!”

“Every time you break through a realm, there will be one more regular law/wheel behind you! It is said that after practicing to the extreme, the five laws/wheels will be pure black!”

“But so far, there has never been such a strong person in the Yandao Starry Sky!”

 At this point, Yun took a long breath and calmed down, and then continued to talk.

“There is no small realm among these four realms. Whether the combat power is strong or not depends entirely on the depth of understanding of the rules and one’s own potential and qualifications!”

“The deeper the understanding, the stronger the combat power, and the darker the color of the rule rubbing!”

“And a powerful bloodline can often exert stronger combat power in the same situation where the realm and rules are understood!”

“So, the starry sky is filled with all kinds of powerful bloodlines. A good bloodline can save many years of effort!”

After Yun said this, the faces of everyone present became very solemn!

Yun is still saying: "When you reach the cosmic walker, you will have the ability to easily break the planet!"

“So, if the Three-Eyed Ancestor of the Three-Eyed Clan is still there, Hao Yang is really right, our Baoling Continent is really dead!”

Xia Muyang nodded after hearing this, and then asked: "What kind of existence is the Yandao Starry Sky? Are there other starry skies outside of this?"

Hearing this, Yun nodded and replied: "Yes, there are countless starry skies beyond the Yandao starry sky, and there are unimaginable strong people!"

“The Yandao Starry Sky is the collective name for the starry sky where our Baoling Continent is located, and a total of one hundred and six planets!”

“Among them, the strongest planet is called Yandao Star, hence the name Yandao Starry Sky!”

After hearing this, Xia Muyang nodded, showing a thoughtful look!

“However, Lord Xia Muyang, you can’t just relax like this. The Three-Eyed Clan is indeed no threat to us, but the Three-Eyed Clan is vassal to the Golden Crow Clan and is under the jurisdiction of the Golden Crow Clan!”

“So, once the Three-Eyed Clan discovers that something is wrong with the whereabouts of people like Haoyang and reports it to the Golden Crow Clan, our end will really come!”

“In the Golden Crow tribe, there is an ancestor who is half a cosmic tyrant. A hair of his head can cause great damage to our Baoling Continent!”

Hearing this, Natsume Yang and the others' faces that had just relaxed suddenly became extremely serious again!

“Lord Xia Muyang, the future of Baoling Continent depends on you! You are the most likely person in Baoling Continent to step into the cosmic walker in the future!”

“Only you have the power to save us. The most important thing for us now is to prevent the Three-Eyed Clan from discovering that Haoyang and the others have had an accident, and not to report the situation to the Golden Crow Clan!”

Yun looked at Xia Muyang and said with a pleading look on his face!

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