The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1694: How can an ant compare with a dragon?

 The entire Baoling Continent trembled violently because of this arrow!

 In the area of ​​tens of thousands of miles, it is constantly being broken and collapsed!

The entire Baoling Continent’s monks were plunged into infinite horror at this moment!

 They could not imagine that except for Xia Muyang, who else on the Baoling Continent could possess such terrifying strength!

 But this aura is obviously not the Natsume Yang's aura that they are familiar with!

 This is a powerful aura that is completely unfamiliar to them!

 “Who is this sudden powerful aura!”

 All the monks in Baoling Continent are thinking this in their hearts at this moment!

“Then come on, it’s just right, let me see if your strength can match your big words!”

 “The whole world!”

Xia Muyang struck a blow with his sword. In an instant, it seemed as if countless sword shadows burst out, each one of which could penetrate the Baoling Continent!

Then, it condensed into a simple sword in an instant, and pierced the spiritual energy arrow!

“Hmph, you actually dare to fight Master Haoyang, I really don’t know how to write the word death!”

"An ant from a ruined planet like him dares to think of fighting Master Haoyang! Just watch, with just one blow, he will die without even a trace left!"

Not far away, two young men with three eyes looked at Natsume Yang’s movements and mocked!

“What level of power is Master Haoyang? He is the most outstanding genius among our three-eyed tribe in thousands of years!”

"At only fifty years old, he has already reached the level of a half-step cosmic walker, ranking twelfth on the cosmic genius list. He is a famous powerhouse in the entire Yandao starry sky. How can he be compared to a country bumpkin like him! "

“That’s right, let me see, Master Haoyang can crush him with one finger! Being able to use the Tianyu Divine Bow is already considered worthy of him!”

  Three and three-eyed people spoke one after another!

 In their hearts, Xia Muyang and Haoyang are on the same ground and in the sky. There is no comparison at all!

 But no matter what they say, Xia Muyang and Haoyang met each other!


 At this moment, the heaven and earth were silent!

 The aftermath of unimaginable horror will turn the sky upside down!

The space is blurred and then broken. There is no way to heal automatically. The more it spreads, the bigger it gets!

The aura completely exploded and turned into a vacuum!

 The earth continued to shatter with the fluctuations in the sky, and the protective shield outside the Luoxian Sect exploded!

 Then, Luo Xian Sect also exploded, turned into several pieces and fell into the abyss!

Xia Muyang's body trembled violently, and he suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. He retreated several hundred meters in the air, leaving behind a line of twisted spatial footprints!

Several figures suddenly emerged from Luo Xian Sect. Among them, an extremely white bird was the most eye-catching. His figure was actually bigger than the entire Luo Xian Sect!

He spread his wings to catch all the fragments of the Falling Immortal Sect and lifted them up to prevent them from falling further, and also saved most of the monks in the sect!

Among the monks who landed on the wings, many of them had passed out with bleeding from their orifices!

 There are even some who have completely lost their vitality, and their bodies are getting cold quickly!

“Not bad, country bumpkin, you can actually block my Tian Yu Ya. Your strength is really good!”

Haoyang unexpectedly appeared in front of Xia Muyang again. He attacked with a punch, which was filled with unimaginable penetrating power and shook the entire space.

 The space under his feet was directly trampled to pieces by him, it was extremely terrifying!

 “You’d better guarantee me that there’s nothing wrong with Chinatsu!”

 “Otherwise! I will kill you!!”

 Natsume Yang stepped into the air and roared, his right arm was instantly covered with sharp rules and frozen rules, and his fists blasted out!

 “God-destroying Ice Emperor Fist!”

 With one punch, even the flow of space slowed down!

Haoyang couldn't help but be a little surprised. The aura emanating from Xia Muyang actually made him feel dangerous!


 The space instantly cracked and twisted, Xia Muyang's arm exploded directly, and his flesh and blood were bloody!

But Haoyang's eyes widened in disbelief, and he suddenly spat out a large mouthful of blood.

Then, like a sandbag, it quickly retreated out, smashing the space into a dark space tunnel!

There is extremely terrifying space energy surging out, distorting the space rules of Baoling Continent!


He shouted violently, he was completely unwilling to believe that he, the first genius of the Celestial Eye Clan, would actually be injured by a country bumpkin here!

“How is it possible that this country bumpkin can actually injure Master Haoyang!”

“How is it possible that he is so powerful? How could such a ruined planet with no **** give birth to such a strong man!”

Those people from the three-eyed tribe who were watching couldn’t believe what they were seeing!

 What did they see? Xia Muyang actually injured Haoyang, who they thought could not be injured here!

This is like letting them see that an ant injured a dragon!


He roared and drew his bow again!

 But this time, five long arrows appeared at once!

 The eyes on his forehead even projected five rays of divine light onto the arrow!

 Let each arrow exude unimaginable power, shaking the entire Baoling Continent!

 “Unforgivable? I should say this!”

“Haoyang, you better promise me that Qianxia is not injured, otherwise, today next year will be your death anniversary!”

Xia Muyang looked at Haoyang with a murderous look on his face. He was like a murderous god, exuding unimaginable terrifying power!

 “Ant, go to hell! Wuliantianyuya!”

Haoyang shouted violently, his face looking extremely ferocious.

This move actually caused his whole body to split open, and streams of blood filled with divinity flowed out, distorting the space, and smashed towards the earth!


Five arrows shot out together in a graceful arc, completely ignoring the obstacles of space and completely surrounding Xia Zhiqing!

 “The Three Thousand Worlds of the Ice Emperor’s Mysteries!”

Is Natsume Yang afraid of Haoyang?

Her whole body seemed to be on fire, erupting into unimaginable billowing waves.

 The space was torn apart, unable to bear the terrifying sword intent erupting from around Natsume Yang!


 In an instant, one sword came out, and ten thousand swords appeared!

Each one is an entity, and each one is wrapped in sharp rules and freezing rules!

 “Boom, boom, boom!”

Haoyang’s five arrows were completely submerged in Xia Muyang’s terrifying sword shadow!

The sky, space, and earth were shattered together at this moment.

The entire Baoling Continent was in turmoil and collapsed, and it felt like it could no longer hold on and was about to disintegrate!



 Suddenly, a series of shattering sounds came!

Haoyang couldn't help but look closely, and saw that his five arrows emitting different lights were slowly shattered by Xia Muyang's sword shadow attack!

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