“Lord Natsume Yang, what on earth was he thinking, and why did he suddenly implement this method! Is he disappointed in us?”

“Master Natsume Yang, what on earth do you want to do? I really can’t understand the meaning behind your actions!”

The entire female monks of the Luoxian Sect have different guesses about the legal revisions and character tests that are happening around them!

 But no matter how they guessed, they just couldn't figure out what Natsume Yang's purpose was!

In the same way, the only person in the entire Luoxian Sect who can fully understand Natsume Yang's purpose is Kanyue Qianxia!

“I hope they can understand your hard work, instead of complaining that you suddenly became strict!”

 Kantsuki Qianxia leaned on Natsume Yang's shoulder and thought in her heart!

 “I hope so!” Xia Muyang said after hearing this!

In the past month, during the reform, the cultivation level of the monks of the Luoxian Sect has steadily improved a lot!

 Also because of the impact of Hui Yuelan and the previous case, when all kinds of rights and interests have been reduced a lot, these geniuses who come to communicate have become much more at ease!

No one has any bad thoughts about Du Qiuyue and the others anymore!

 Everyone is doing the right thing with peace of mind: practicing and guiding others to practice!

If this situation can continue forever, that would be really good. The Luoxian Sect will rise rapidly in a few years!

 But it’s a pity!

 The world is unpredictable and things will never be smooth sailing!

this day!

Xia Muyang was watching the scenery at the highest peak of Luo Xian Sect every day. Suddenly, a powerful oppression suddenly came from the sky above Baoling Continent!

This oppression is so powerful that even Xia Muyang can't help but be frightened!

This is actually an aura as powerful as his!

He saw a gray-robed Taoist with blue light lingering all over his body, slamming towards the Cangqiong Pavilion of Luoxian Sect!

 The terrifying pressure has caused the aura protective shield covering the Luo Xian Sect to make an overwhelming sound!

“Where did such a strong man come from suddenly?”

Xia Muyang felt doubtful in his heart, and then he stepped through the void and appeared in front of the gray-robed Taoist, trying to lead him out of the Luo Xian Sect's range!

However, Xia Muyang had just approached the gray-robed Taoist, and suddenly there was another extremely fierce aura behind him!

This aura made Natsume Yang’s expression change!

 He actually felt a sense of crisis that he had not seen for a long time, his whole body became tense, and all his cells were trembling with excitement!

Xia Muyang grabbed the gray-robed Taoist and threw him out. Then, he shouted softly: "Time stops!"

 Everything around stopped!

Xia Muyang quickly turned around to look, only to see an arrow as thick as an arm. Even stopping time had no effect at all on it!

 Still attacking Natsume Yang at a very fast speed!


Xia Muyang immediately pulled out the Ice Emperor Sword, then pierced the arrow with his sword in the air, shouting: "A thousand worlds!"


A space tide exploded directly over the entire Baoling Continent, and the terrifying power raged, causing the entire Baoling Continent to wail and produce a slight cracking effect!

“Hey, there is someone in a place like this who can block my arrow, it’s interesting!”

At this time, a surprised voice suddenly came from the sky above Baoling Continent!

Then, Xia Muyang saw a young man with extremely fair skin, a third eye on his forehead, extremely handsome appearance, two wings on his back, and holding a bronze long bow, appeared in front of him!

“I didn’t expect that such a run-down planet would actually have a half-step cosmic walker level powerhouse. It’s really surprising!”

This young man looked at Xia Muyang. The moment he was stared at by this young man, Xia Muyang felt that his soul was about to be penetrated by him!

He couldn't help being surprised, and quickly activated the freezing rules, and the sharp rules blocked it!

“Hey, there are actually two rules. Hahaha, I, Haoyang, am so lucky to meet such a genius in a place like this!”

“It seems that I have the quota for slave No. 10!”

The three-eyed young man looked at Xia Muyang and suddenly showed a strong look of greed!

Just as he was speaking, another group of people with three eyes and two wings appeared behind him!

 Without exception, their skin is all quite fair, and they are all very handsome!

 The most important thing is that they all exude the aura of the ninth level and nine rings of the firmament realm!

 They are only one step away from the master!

 “Who are you?”

Hearing this, Natsume Yang narrowed his eyes, his eyes were quite cold!

 Make him a slave? This young man with three eyes is probably dreaming!

 He Natsume Yang will become someone else’s slave?

 Is it possible?

“You go and catch Xu Daoyi, I’ll meet this guy. It’s been a long time since I’ve met such a powerful and talented genius from a broken planet!”

The three-eyed young man who called himself Haoyang said to the three-eyed people behind him!

 “Yes, Lord Haoyang!”

The three-eyed young men behind Haoyang all took orders and rushed towards the gray-robed Taoist who was thrown away by Xia Muyang!

 “Who are you? What is your purpose? Where do you come from?”

Seeing that Haoyang didn't answer him, Xia Muyang asked again!

 “Haha, who am I? Do you, a person from a ruined planet, need to know!”

Haoyang couldn't help but raise his head proudly after hearing this, and said to Xia Muyang with very noble eyes: "Of course, if you are willing to surrender to me, be used by me, and fight for me, I don't mind telling you my origin!"

“Perhaps when I’m in a good mood, I can tell you about stories outside this planet, so that you, a country bumpkin, can open your eyes!”

"Haha, I surrender to you..." After hearing these words, Xia Muyang couldn't help but laugh, his smile was extremely arrogant and sarcastic!

  "You are a piece of rubbish, but you are worthy of being surrendered to me? Just have your sweet dream!"

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to say it. I have plenty of ways to get you to talk. I can always get the information I want!”

Who has Xia Muyang humbled himself in this life, and whom has he surrendered to?

 Things that have never happened before!

 It has always been his duty to have others surrender to him, so there is no reason for him to surrender to others!

"Okay, okay, ant, you have completely angered me. In that case, let me see how confident you are in speaking out!"

 “Tian Yu Ya!”

Haoyang shouted loudly and rushed directly towards Natsume Yang.

While rushing towards Natsume Yang, he stretched the bronze long bow in his hand into a full moon, and the aura of the sky gathered together and turned into a solid arrow!

Then, with one arrow, he traveled directly through the space and arrived in front of Natsume Yang!

This arrow exuded unimaginable penetrating power, directly exploding several mountains in the air!

 The earth rumbled and opened an abyss that stretched to the horizon!

Luoxian Sect, right next to the abyss, is in danger!

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