The space shattered directly in front of him, and the rules were as if they were pierced by the Ice Emperor Sword in his hand!

Kaneki is really feeling a little numb!

Yang Natsume looks so polite, but he fights like a madman!

 The aftermath of the battle between the two shattered the space, shattered the aura, and the earth sank, wailing endlessly!

 A large canyon-like crack has been completely opened in a radius of a hundred miles!

 Countless spiritual beasts and monks were directly turned into powder after being affected!

In the sky, the king's cloud ring that once appeared appeared again, rolling and spreading for thousands of miles!



 Xia Muyang's body was constantly being devoured, his flesh and blood were blurred, and his bones were exposed.

 But there was no pain at all on Xia Muyang's face, only a crazy fighting spirit!

 “The whole world!”

"Three thousand world!"

 “One big and three thousand worlds!”

 The terrifying moves were constantly released, leveling countless mountains.

Countless hideous scars appeared on Baoling Continent, the world was turned upside down, and the world was shattered!

 The cultivation of these two people is really too strong!

They are so powerful that the Baoling Continent can no longer accommodate them to fight!

 “How can it be so strong!”

“Father, was he fighting this kind of madman back then?”

Kaneki is increasingly unable to adapt to Natsume Yang's terrifying battle!

 Natsume Yang's body is simply a bug. His devouring power swallowed up his flesh and blood. However, he will recover in the next second!

 The blood energy is like the bright sun, it can transform everything!

Not only that, his freezing rules can even freeze his devouring power. Sometimes his sure blow is delayed, and instead he gets hit hard by Natsume Yang!

Moreover, why does Natsume Yang have two rules!

 Isn’t it said that each controller can only control one rule? This is unscientific!

Kaneki seriously suspects Natsume Yang is cheating, and he has evidence!

“What’s wrong? My moves are not as sharp as before, and I’m starting to pant. This is not going to work, young man!”

 Xia Muyang suddenly made a joke, full of contempt!

 “Asshole, who can’t do it anymore? Don’t be proud of me!”

A man can't say no, these words simply hit his pain point instantly, even if he is a demon!

 But he also has the dignity of being a man!

“Watch it for me, Natsume Yang, this is my strongest move! Take it for me!”

Kaneki suddenly shouted violently, and a billowing light of spiritual energy erupted from his body. Then, Natsume Yang felt like he was in an extremely dark space!

 “Swallow the space!”

Kaneki's voice suddenly sounded, and before Natsume Yang could even react what was going on, half of his body was completely annihilated!

And, most importantly, he couldn't recover!

His steaming blood was swallowed up before it had any effect on his body!

The freezing rules and sharp rules that protect his body have all been swallowed up!

 Aura and space were all swallowed up!

Natsume Yang seemed to be isolated from the world and became a completely isolated person!

“It’s interesting, do you want to completely consume me here?”

Natsume Yang, however, did not panic at all. Instead, he closed his eyes with interest, and powerful perceptions burst out!

 In his perception, he was surrounded by terrifying rules, full of devouring power!

 The most important thing is that this is an area with its own space!

“Natsume Yang, your death has come. Today I want to see how you get out of here! Please wake up!”

 “You and I don’t have to struggle anymore, it’s impossible for you to break free from my space-devouring space!”

“This space of mine is dozens of times stronger than the space of Baoling Continent. You can’t break it even if you try your best!”

“Jie Jie Jie, as long as I kill you, the entire continent will be my world!”

Jin Mu's voice came again, full of pride!

 “Haha, not bad, this move is indeed very strong!”

 “If someone touches you, they may be completely swallowed up and you won’t be able to resist at all!”

"But it's a pity that you met me, so you are destined to fail!"

Natsume Yang still had the same calm tone, without any panic, as if he was not worried at all about not being able to get out!

“Hmph, you are being mysterious, Xia Muyang, don’t think I don’t know that you are actually scared to death right now!”

“Don’t act like you can get out of my space!”

"Tell you, unless I lift it myself, you will never be able to get out of here!"

 Jin Mu's voice sounded, full of confidence, "I'm telling you that here, I am the master!"

“If you don’t want to die miserably, please beg me for mercy quickly. Maybe I can let you go!”

"Haha, young people, why should you be anxious? Don't make a conclusion too early!"

“Perhaps, it’s not certain that a miracle will happen!”

 Natsume Yang still didn't panic at all, even though his whole body was swallowed up and almost only a skeleton exuding divinity was left!

 “Hmph, then you die!”

Kaneki no longer wants to talk nonsense to Natsume Yo!

 He would like to see how Xia Muyang breaks free from his devouring space!

 “Haha, let me see what a miracle is, freeze time!”

Xia Muyang felt that the devouring power around him was getting stronger, so he no longer hesitated, stretched his hand forward, and the rolling spiritual power mixed with the power of rules exploded majestically, activating the final secret.

“I’ll use you to test the secret I realized that day!”

"This is a completely different move than usual. To be honest, even I am looking forward to seeing how powerful this move can be!"

There is an obscure, mysterious, yet heavy and domineering aura that completely transcends this devouring journey and makes everything in this devouring space come to a standstill.

 “How is it possible, you actually have such a powerful power of time!”

 “This is impossible! No one in this world has ever mastered this power like this!”

“The power of time is completely incomprehensible. Even a little bit of it will take hundreds or thousands of years of effort!”

“Even my father, throughout his entire life, only scratched the surface of it and never reached your level!”

"But you have reached this level so easily. This is impossible. No, I will never admit this!"

 Perceiving the stopped devouring space, Jin Mu’s mentality immediately collapsed!

It doesn’t matter that Natsume Yang has two rules, he can still suppress it by swallowing space!

 However, Natsume Yang actually has the power to control time. This is simply cheating!

This battle cannot be fought at all!

Once time stops, no matter how powerful his devouring power is, what's the use!

Everything in the world is controlled by time. When time stops everything, there will be no root of existence, just like a rootless duckweed, which cannot continue to exist!

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