“Don’t even think about it!” Guanyue Qianxia shouted angrily!

"Don't even think about it? Hehehe..." Kaneki laughed wildly when he heard this, "It's just you, or rather, just this loser Natsume Yang!"

His face was full of arrogance and contempt, "In front of me, Xia Muyang is nothing more than trash. Your fate is now in my hands!"

At this time, Natsume Yang spoke again: "You know? There are too many differences between you and your father. If it were your father, he wouldn't say such childish words!"

"Haha, childish words? So what!" The corner of Jin Mu's mouth raised with an extremely contemptuous arc, "You don't even have the strength to fight against me..."

Before Kaneki could finish his words, two magic wheels suddenly appeared behind Natsume Yang!

Moreover, the solidification degree of the second Dharma wheel's shadow was actually deeper than him!

"How can it be!"

Kaneki's eyes widened in disbelief and he screamed uncontrollably!

 His handsome, yet proud and contemptuous face suddenly became distorted!

“Why is it impossible, Kaneki! Are you allowed to reach the second round of realm, but not me?”

Hearing this, Xia Muyang smiled leisurely, and then his expression suddenly became solemn: "You were really unscrupulous in scaring my Qianxia just now. I am a very cautious person!"

 After saying that, Natsume Yang disappeared and appeared in front of Kaneki, stabbing out with a sword!

This sword was so powerful that the whole space trembled!

I don’t know how many demons’ bodies were directly torn apart, and the spiritual energy around them dimmed, as if they were all sucked into the sword. It was extremely terrifying!

“Hmph, do you think this kind of attack can do anything to me? I am different from Demon Emperor Zheng!”

“Demon Emperor Zheng may take this move to heart, but I won’t take it to heart!”

Jin Mu Takong instantly appeared in front of Xia Muyang's long sword. As if there was a space in his right hand, he slapped Xia Muyang's ice sword heavily!


The space was directly distorted, unimaginable power burst out, and the entire space was instantly shattered!


Suddenly, the sound of space shattering was heard, and the space suddenly collapsed like a broken mirror!

"not good!"

Han Sanli and Mu Yun were shocked when they saw this. Kanyue Qianxia immediately used space movement and moved out at a very fast speed!

 “Boom, boom, boom!”

The surrounding demons were slightly affected, and immediately exploded, without any resistance at all!

“I didn’t expect that you still have some strength and can withstand a few of my moves. Not bad!”

Xia Muyang sighed in admiration and his eyes lit up, "Frozen eyes..."

 A wave of frozen rules is gathering at a very fast speed, and it is about to wrap the gold and wood in it!


Kaneki didn't expect Natsume Yang to have such a move at all. He didn't react at all, and half of his body was frozen!

 “The whole world!”

Natsume Yang immediately stabbed out with a sword, wrapped in the rules of freezing and sharpness.

The space was suddenly shattered even more severely. Jin Mu had no time to react before he was hit by a sword in the chest!


Kaneki's chest instantly froze and was shattered and annihilated by the sharp rules!

 The speed was so fast that a hole as big as a fist was annihilated in Kaneki's chest!

 “You bastard, die!”

Kaneki's pain also broke out, and Natsume Yang felt a terrifying devouring force suddenly coming from all around him, making him feel like he was in a space full of devouring!

 Spiritual energy, flesh and blood, all were swallowed up!



 Half of Natsume Yang's body disappeared in an instant, and everything happened in that tenth of a second!

But Natsume Yang had no power to react at all, and instantly fell into a disadvantage!

“The innate ability of labor and capital is devouring, which is more terrifying than the destruction of the Demon Emperor’s government!”

 “Hahaha, Natsume Yang, die for me!”

The ice on Jinmu's body was directly swallowed up completely. He laughed wildly and punched: "Swallowing Fighting Fist!"

With this punch, even the space and even the rules were swallowed up. It was extremely terrifying!


Xia Muyang also smiled, his body lit up directly, entangled with rules, and a sword flew out!

"Let me see how well you use your devouring power!"

The controller behind Xia Zhiqing, the Dharma Wheel, shone brightly and instantly filled the space!


Han Sanli and others had no time to react. They were about to reach the entrance to the outside world and were violently blasted away!

But Kanyue Qianxia's body suddenly shone brightly, and a spirit-shaped Natsume Yang protected him!


The entire Baoling Continent suddenly trembled violently. This sudden tremor shocked Granny Voodoo and the others!

 But before they could react what was going on, a terrifying sound like a planet exploding suddenly exploded in their heads!


The power of this sound is so strong that even with their strength, they can't resist it at all.

I felt like I was hit hard by a heavy hammer on my head, and I vomited blood and was knocked away...

Then, they saw Natsume Yang suddenly appear in front of them, and there was a strange young man who appeared with them, exuding an extremely terrifying aura!



 The two of them clashed with each other with swords and punches, and the aftermath erupted in a way that even the Voodoo Granny was horrified.

 The entire nearby ground is crumbling at an extremely rapid rate, and there is no way to stop its spread!

"what is happening!"

Voodoo Granny and the others flew away from the two fighting men at high speed, but they were also very confused!

Didn’t Natsume Yang go in to check the situation of the demons? Why did such a terrifying person suddenly appear?

“Jie Jie Jie, you **** from Baoling Continent, we are out again, kill them!”

 No one answered their questions, but a group of demons rushed towards the Voodoo Granny and the others with a roar!

 “Bang bang bang!”

The fight between Xia Muyang and Xia Muyang became more and more fierce. The more they fought, the farther they hit the sky!

 The sky was about to be shattered by two people. It was rumbling violently and was on the verge of being broken!

The bodies of the two men were covered with horrific wounds, and blood continued to fall on the ground, creating large craters of more than ten meters!

 Every drop of the controller’s blood is as heavy as a thousand pieces!

“Hahaha, okay, okay, since the death of the Demon Emperor, you have never been able to fight with me so fiercely!”

“Kaneki, I admit your strength! Among all the people I have fought against, you are the strongest!”

“I, Natsume Yang, would like to call you the strongest among the demons!”

 Xia Muyang's whole body seemed to be on fire, with heavy flames burning in his eyes.

His whole body is wrapped in the terrifying power of rules, and he exudes a terrifying aura as if fused with the Ice Emperor Sword in his hand!

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