“I think I just said two. I didn’t make it clear, or you didn’t hear clearly!”

“If I didn’t make it clear and you didn’t hear it clearly, then I’ll say it again, I need two sect masters to accompany me in!”

 Natsume Yang's tone is already very impatient. These people are simply challenging his bottom line. Do you really think he won't get angry?

 “That’s it, that’s it!”

 Seeing that Xia Muyang's face looked very ugly, Taoist Moxu couldn't help but shuddered in his heart, and quickly left to discuss it again!

In less than a minute, another person was selected. He was a middle-aged man who looked very elegant, but looked very easy to bully!

“Your Excellency Xia Muyang, please give me more advice! My name is Mu Yun!”

This man's sleeves were trembling rapidly, showing his inner unrest.

 But he still had a sunny smile on his face, and he looked a little shy!

Seeing his appearance, Xia Muyang glanced at him a few more times. This man didn't look simple!

With this kind of character, you will definitely achieve great results in the future!

“Now that the people have been selected, let’s go without further delay. There can be no further delay!”

Xia Muyang glanced at Han Sanli and Muyun, then opened the seal and revealed an entrance!

 “Let’s go, let’s see what’s going on here!”

After Natsume Yang finished speaking, he walked into the seal with Kanyue Qianxia.

When Han Sanli and Mu Yun saw this, they glared at Taoist Mo Xu and the others, and then walked in, and then, the seal was closed again!

 “Finally done!”

Seeing Xia Muyang and the others disappear into the seal, Taoist Moxu and the others could not help but heave a sigh of relief!

At last they were dealt with, and it was not done to them. They could finally reap the benefits!


 Within the seal!

“Is this where the demons live? It’s indeed a little different from our human race!”

Xia Zhiqing sighed as he looked at the unique cave in this seal!

 The style here tends to be sharp, and the colors tend to be red or black!

 It makes people feel very depressed!

 And as we go deeper, this depressing atmosphere becomes stronger and stronger!

 “Who is coming!”

Suddenly, a loud shout came from in front of Xia Muyang and the others, and a demon with a red body raised an alarm after discovering them!

 “It’s the human race!”

 “It’s Natsume Yang!”

 “Jiejiejie, Xia Muyang, you actually entered the territory of our demon clan!”

 A group of demons looked at Xia Muyang and were stunned for a second. Then someone recognized Xia Muyang and the others and immediately shouted excitedly!

 “Go and report to Lord Kaneki quickly, we must keep them here completely today!”

The red/demon who discovered Natsume Yang previously issued an order again, and the demons immediately followed the order and left!

 It seems that this red/demon is actually a small boss!

 “Leave me here? Lord Kaneki? Who is this?”

When Xia Muyang heard this, he couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly. He seemed to smell something unusual!

“It seems that the sudden change in the seal has something to do with the sudden appearance of Mr. Kaneki!”

 Natsume Yang is starting to look forward to it!

“Natsume Yang, I thought it would take some time for you to find out. Now that you have discovered it and stupidly came in, then never go out!”

“I thought that after the Demon Emperor was killed by you, we demons would have no choice but to huddle in this **** seal forever!”

“But who knew there was no way out, we actually resurrected Lord Kaneki, Lord Demon Emperor’s posthumous son!”

The person who spoke was a demon with a green body and a big skull tattoo on his right arm!

"If I remember correctly, you should be the 36th Demon King, Mo Luxi!"

Xia Muyang looked at the demon walking in the air and revealed his identity!

“I didn’t expect you to still remember me, very good!”

Hearing this, Xia Muyang called out his name, and the man named Mo Luxi actually showed a very excited look!

Then, a huge black pillar suddenly appeared behind him!

 That’s the Demon King Pillar!

With a flash of red light, a group of green demons appeared in front of Natsume Yang and the others.

And on the Demon King Pillar, a line of words actually appeared: ‘二世鲁’

“Yo, I didn’t expect you to have risen to the twenty-sixth place now, not bad!”

Looking at ‘Er Shi Lu’, Xia Muyang couldn’t help but move his brows in surprise and said!

“Hmph, I have not only improved my ranking, but also my strength. Natsume Yang, let me show you my current strength!”

After Mo Luxi finished speaking, his eyes suddenly shone brightly, and the aura of the seventh level of the firmament realm burst out!

"You see, I am no longer what I used to be. Natsume Yang, please wake me up!"

Mo Luxi looked at Xia Muyang with great dignity and said proudly!

“Oh, your cultivation level has also been upgraded from the sixth level of the Firmament Realm to the seventh level of the Firmament Realm. It’s indeed good!”

 “However, this is not enough, it is still too weak!”

Natsume Yang nodded again, but this time, it seemed a bit perfunctory and he didn’t take it to heart at all!

“You underestimated me, you guy! I want you to pay the price!”

Seeing that Xia Muyang despised him so much, Mo Luxi immediately became angry!

It’s okay if Natsume Yang looked down on him once, but he has become so much stronger, why does Natsume Yang still look down on him!

 He immediately unleashed all his strength, shattered the space and rushed towards Xia Zhiqing!

"Don't think that this place is the same as your Baoling Continent. Here, my strength can be increased differently. Natsume Yang, you will regret underestimating me!"

Approaching Xia Muyang, Mo Luxi suddenly showed such a smile as if his conspiracy had succeeded, which made Xia Muyang slightly surprised again!

 “The jungle sighs!”

He punched out his right fist, and countless vines wrapped up his hand. Each one had terrifying fluctuations, and the space around Xia Muyang was blurred!

 And Natsume Yang hasn’t even responded yet!

 “Come on, Lord Mo Luxi! Let him know how powerful our demons are!”

"Look, he was so frightened that he couldn't move. I think he is just a person in vain!"

Mo Luxi’s men and a group of demons around him taunted!

 “Has your territory’s strength increased?”

Xia Muyang's voice came suddenly, like thunder exploding in their heads, it was extremely powerful!

Many demons exploded and turned into flesh and blood all over the sky. Many more demons fell down with bleeding from their seven orifices and lost their breath!

Just one sound caused heavy losses to all the demons!

How terrifying!

 All the demons couldn't help but feel horrified at the same time, and the fearful memory of being dominated once again appeared in their minds!

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