The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1674: Do you think I'm easy to bully?

 They know that in this case, it may be better to follow Natsume Yang's command!

 After all, if something goes wrong, Natsume Yang will be fully responsible!

 Furthermore, even if something goes wrong, Natsume Yang is the person most capable of dealing with it!

“The current plan is, of course, to enter the seal and see what’s going on inside!”

After thinking for a moment, Natsume Yang replied!

 “Get inside? Are you serious?”

Hearing this, someone glanced at Xia Muyang and asked!

"Of course I'm serious. If I don't go in and take a look, how can I know what's going on inside the demon clan?"

"I believe that everyone is like me. I haven't found anything through my spiritual sense detection!"

Xia Muyang looked at the nine sect masters and said this!

“Yes, this is indeed the best way to deal with it!”

Han Sanli nodded when he heard this and agreed with Xia Muyang's approach!

 “Okay, I support you too, and I listen to you!”

Qingfengzi was the second to speak out in agreement!

Seeing this, the other sect leaders also looked at each other, and then they all nodded at the same time!

“In that case, please send two representatives to go in with me! I won’t have enough manpower to go in alone!”

As soon as Xia Muyang said these words, the nine sect masters couldn't help but have varying degrees of surprise at the same time!

Then, an inexplicable light flashed in all their eyes!

“Haha, isn’t this a bit bad? We are weak, so if we go in, it will hinder you!”

"Let Sir Natsume Yang go in alone, relaxed and free, without any restrictions!"

Taoist Moxu said with a smile!

 “Haha, thank you for your concern, but I still feel that there is strength in numbers!”

“Why, in the face of the life and death of the mainland, do you want to play tricks on me and play tricks on me?”

Xia Muyang glanced at Granny Voodoo and the others, and said with a half-smiling smile!

This smile made Taoist Moxu and the others feel inexplicably nervous, with a sense of horror that the hairs on their hair stood on end!

"How is that possible? Don't get me wrong. We are mainly afraid that we are not strong enough and will cause trouble to you after entering, affecting your performance so as not to delay the overall situation!"

 Voodoo Granny said with a forced smile!

“It turns out that you are afraid of affecting me. Haha, it doesn’t matter that you are all the top beings in Baoling Continent. I believe that with your help, we will be able to solve the problem faster!”

Xia Muyang looked at these people and sneered in his heart: "Why are you afraid of affecting my performance? I clearly don't want to go in. If something goes wrong, you can take the opportunity to find fault with me!"

“Don’t shirk it, please quickly elect two representatives and follow me in to check the situation!”

“An extra second of delay here may cause Baoling Continent to encounter a more serious disaster in the future!”

  Natsume Yang began to ‘urge’ the nine sect masters!

 Without two ‘hostages’ being tied in, these people would probably not let this opportunity go so easily!

 After all, if Xia Zhiqing went in alone, anything that happened would be his responsibility!


Being urged by Natsume Yang, each of the nine sect leaders suddenly showed a look of embarrassment. You looked at me, I looked at you, their eyes were full of resistance!

They don’t want to go in. If they do, let’s not talk about what kind of unknown crisis they will encounter!

As long as they entered, they missed a great opportunity that they could very well take advantage of!

“Since everyone is so shy, let me designate it!”

Natsume Yang saw that they were looking at each other for a long time and were undecided. He didn't know what they were thinking, so he immediately spoke!

 “No, no, you’re too polite!”

 “We’ll choose it right away, don’t worry!”

Upon hearing this, the nine sect masters, especially Taoist Moxu and Qingfengzi, immediately panicked and hurriedly spoke out!

 “Haha, that’s right, please hurry up, we don’t have time to delay for so long!”

Xia Muyang smiled, but couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "It would be great if you could have this kind of energy to shirk responsibility in other aspects!"

“In this way, you won’t have lived more than half your life and only achieved this little!”

 Time passed by minute by minute!

 Five minutes passed in the blink of an eye! Qingfengzi and the others still haven't discussed the reason yet!

 Natsume Yang is a little uneasy!

“Let me tell you, everyone, you have been discussing for five minutes, it’s time to discuss something!”

"If there is no result, I will really make a decision. I have time to wait for you, but unknown dangers have no time to wait for you!"

Natsume Yang’s face is already a little unsightly!

These guys really think that time is not time, do they really think he has the leisure to watch them argue with each other!

“Definitely, right away!”

Being urged by Xia Muyang again, and seeing that his face was very ugly, Taoist Moxu and the others couldn't help but tremble in their hearts.

 They knew that if they no longer had an answer, Natsume Yang would really decide!

 At that time, the power of life and death will really be in Natsume Yang's hands, leaving them with no choice at all!

 But they all understand the truth, but if they are really given a choice, none of them want to be the one who accompanies Natsume Yang in!

 After all, that means facing a lot of dangers.

 They are all respected members of the same sect. As the saying goes, "A body worth a thousand pieces of gold cannot be built under a dangerous wall!"!

Let them enter such a dangerous seal. How can they agree to face unknown dangers?

If something happens, wouldn't it be an advantage to the sect leaders outside?

 But if they don’t choose, Natsume Yang will directly designate them, and they really have no chance to choose!

At that time everything will really stop!

"Your Excellency Han Sanli, why don't you go? You have been in contact with Your Excellency Xia Muyang for the longest time and know him best. You should be one of the best candidates!"

Taoist Moxu suddenly looked at Han Sanli and said!

“Okay, no problem, I’ll go wherever I go!”

Han Sanli did not refuse after hearing this. He glanced at the other sect leaders coldly and agreed!

 He now dislikes these former ‘companions’ more and more!

These people have a narrow vision and have almost no responsibility to speak of. They only know how to fight among themselves. It is hard to imagine what big things people like them can accomplish!

 He is looking at Natsume Yang more and more now!

 Be responsible, strong, and know the difference between right and wrong very clearly!

This is the person who can accomplish great things!

“So, who is the other one?” Xia Muyang glanced at Han Sanli, nodded to him, and then looked at the nine sect masters again!

“Isn’t one Mr. Han Sanli enough?”

Once they heard what Xia Muyang said, Taoist Moxu and the others were a little unhappy!

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