The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1671: The words spoken, the water poured out

“Don’t tell me I’m deaf. Did I hear wrongly?”

Xia Muyang looked at the other geniuses, like Mo Lin and Zhang Junyao, who were leaving, and said, "Did we all hear wrongly? I remember he seemed to say he was leaving, right?"

As soon as Natsume Yang finished speaking, Zhang Junyao spoke up: "You heard it right, we all heard it too. He said he wanted to leave, not to care about the Luo Xian Sect!"

“Yes, he said he was leaving, and he doesn’t care about Luo Xian Sect’s things!”

The other geniuses immediately echoed, with a look of disgust on their faces!

“You heard it, everyone heard what you said about leaving. This is not something I can judge on my own!”

Xia Muyang smiled, looked at this person and the geniuses who said they were leaving, and said: "As the saying goes, words that are spoken are like water that is thrown out and cannot be recovered!"

"I asked you just now, so you don't regret it, and you all said you won't regret it! Why are you slapping yourself in the face now!"

“Doesn’t what you say count? Then I don’t dare to believe you. If you don’t believe what you say, I, the Luoxian Sect, will not dare to keep you!”

 The meaning of Natsume Yang’s words is already obvious!

 Since you have chosen to quit, it is impossible to come back!

People should keep their word!

"We were wrong, Controller Natsume Yang, give me another chance, I promise I will keep my word in the future!"

This man's name is Gao Tianyu, he begged with a pitiful look on his face!

“Hahaha, promise? Sorry, you can only break your promise once or countless times! You have already broken your promise once, and I can’t believe you anymore!”

Xia Muyang was completely unmoved. He looked at Gao Tianyu and others and said, "If what you say is such a joke, what credibility do you have? Who will dare to believe you in the future!"

“You go, Luo Xian Sect has nothing more to do with you!”

After saying that, he turned around and left!

 “Can’t you really give us another chance?”

Gao Tianyu roared unwillingly, with a look of resentment even flashing in his eyes!


 What responded to him was Natsume Yang's silence, and the meaning was already obvious!


 “I shouldn’t have known better...!”


Those proud men who previously expressed their intention to leave are now so regretful that they want to beat themselves to death!

 “Oh, what a pity, some people missed a major opportunity with just one thought!”

“The arrogance and complacency of some people at the last moment was really pleasing to the eye. To be honest, I have never seen such a funny expression before!”

“Hahaha, I really learned a lot today. It turns out that a genius like Gao Tianyu can have such a pitiful day!”

How people like Gao Tianyu mocked Zhang Junyao before, now, this is how they fight back!


 “Hahaha, you go back and enjoy your own glory and wealth, and we will suffer our own hardships first!”

Who wouldn’t know how to add insult to injury?

 Isn’t it okay to have something to say? Don't talk too much, otherwise it will be very painful when you are slapped in the face!


Looking at Zhang Junyao and the others leaving, Gao Tianyu couldn't help but clenched his fists!

“Everyone, please, I’m very sorry that you no longer have any fate with Luo Xian Sect!”

Du Qiuyue looked at Gao Tianyu with pity and said!

"Huh, who cares about your fate of Luo Xian Sect? Isn't it just the explanation of Dao? What's there to be proud of!"

"Even if they listen, they may not be able to understand! Besides, will Sir Xia Muyang speak seriously?"

“I think this is just a cover for Mr. Natsume Yang!”

“His real purpose is just to make them, fools like them, willing to be punished!”

What Gao Tianyu said was quite a bit like saying that grapes are sour when you can’t eat them!

However, when Xia Muyang, who was about to leave, heard his words, he couldn't help but have a smile of appreciation on his lips.

He thought to himself: "It seems that some people can still see some of my intentions!"

 That’s right, explaining the Great Dao is, in a sense, just a cover!

To make these geniuses accept the punishment obediently, without giving up the truth, tempting them with something they can't resist is a very good way!

"However, the explanation of the Great Dao is indeed true. No matter what, we must let these people improve first before talking about it, giving them a sense of expectation that they can be promoted in Luoxian Sect!"

“In this way, in the following days, we can more fully squeeze their surplus value!”

Natsume Yang looks like a little fox, and that smile is really mind-numbing!

If Zhang Junyao and the others saw Xia Muyang's smile, they would probably be so frightened that they would run away immediately!

 What is the most important thing about explaining the great road? Keeping what you have now is the most important thing!

 But it’s a pity that they who followed the law enforcement officers to the Penalty Hall were destined not to see it!

“Next, it’s time for our Luoxian Sect to improve as a whole! If you want to get resources, you have to get points!”

“In that case, let me give you a way to quickly gain points! For example, teach us Luo Xian Sect disciples!”

“We have so many disciples in the Luo Xian Sect, and our demand for the proud ones like you is huge!”

“Of course, there can’t be only one way, there must be several more! The Sutra Pavilion is so empty, and you have so many exercises and spiritual skills, just leave some of them to fill up my storage!”

“However, this process must be able to fully mobilize their enthusiasm, and it must also make them voluntary and allow them to compete!”

 Speaking of this, Xia Muyang showed a hint of thinking and said: "I need to think about this carefully!"

Just when Xia Muyang was thinking like this, Kanyue Qianxia appeared in front of Xia Muyang. She said, "Xia Muyang, what bad ideas are you planning?"

 Kanyue Qianxia looked at Xia Muyang with interest, flashed her big watery eyes, and asked!

“Hehe, am I seeking benefits for Du Qiuyue and the others? Since Taoist Moxu and the others have sent over all the geniuses in the sect, how can we be worthy of them if we don’t put them to good use?”

Xia Muyang said like a shrewd businessman, with a cunning look on his face!

 “Hey, you sell them, and they still have to help you count the money!”

Hearing this, Kanyue Qianxia also showed a sly smile, which made people shudder!

"Since others have come to my door, I'm really sorry if I don't make good use of it! What's more, I didn't ask for their value in vain. Isn't this the way to explain to them!"

“This is a pleasant and mutually beneficial transaction, isn’t it?” Natsume Yang said!

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