“Senior Natsume Yang, this is unfair, you are showing favoritism!”

 Zhang Junyao said with dissatisfaction!

 “Yes, this is favoritism, this is unfair!”

 More people immediately echoed!

 “Haha, that’s not fair?” Hearing this, Xia Muyang’s laughter came over, and the next moment, he appeared in front of these geniuses!

His eyes flickered slightly, passing over these geniuses, and said: "Then please tell me what kind of crime it is to break into the Sutra Pavilion by force, injure the administrators, and resist the law enforcement officers!"

“Also, you don’t think you are really here to enjoy the happiness! You don’t really forget the real purpose of coming here!”

“The purpose of your coming here is to communicate and discover the shortcomings of our Luo Xian Sect!”

“Instead of letting you take advantage of your status as outsiders to cause trouble and cause chaos here!”

   Natsume Yang’s tone was already quite cold when he said this!

His dagger-like gaze swept back and forth over several people, making these people feel a chill all over their bodies!

“You injured the guard of my Scripture-Tiding Pavilion, and he probably resisted the law enforcement officers. Now you tell me that you think it’s unfair and that I’m partial!”

“Did I be too nice to you a few days ago, making you feel that you have figured out my character?”

Natsume Yang’s words were like coming from the Nine Nether Hell, making people shiver!

"It seems that the generous treatment given to you in the past few days has made you feel that it is natural!"

“Okay, then I will help you. Starting from today, all the resources and supplies you have will be halved!”

“If you want to get resources, it depends on your own abilities!”

"Of course, if you feel unwilling and wronged, you can leave now and I will let you go!"

Xia Muyang is very "democratic", but these proud people can't help but tremble in their hearts when they hear it!

Sure enough, this is Natsume Yang, and the gentle words he spoke to them a few days ago were nothing more than an illusion!

“Hmph, just leave, I don’t care if you don’t succeed in the Luo Xian Sect!”

  "I didn't learn anything, but I suffered a lot of grievances. I don't want to leave you here, I have my own place to stay!"

Immediately, the proud man said angrily that he wanted to leave!

Moreover, there are more than one or two such geniuses!

"Okay, you have to leave. I respect your choice. I just hope you won't regret it in the future!" Natsume Yang looked at these people and said!

“Hmph, I won’t regret it. I have never done anything that I regret in my whole life!”

The genius who took the lead in quitting snorted coldly, extremely determined!

"Yes, we won't regret it. We have never done anything that we regret when we grow up!" The others also followed suit!

“Okay, I respect your choice, Du Qiuyue, please register their information, and Bai Ling will send them away later!”

Xia Muyang ordered Du Qiuyue on the side!

 “Yes, Sir Natsume Yang!”

Du Qiuyue responded and followed Xia Muyang's instructions to register the information of the person who was leaving!

“Is there anyone else who wants to leave? Hurry now!”

 Xia Muyang looked at the others again and asked!

 But whether it was Mo Lin or Zhang Junyao, they were so arrogant a second ago, but they were completely silent at this moment!

 They smelled an unusual smell in Xia Zhiqing's words!

 So, they want to stay for now and see what happens next before deciding whether to leave!

If the situation develops unsatisfactory later, they will leave immediately without hesitation!

 After all, there is no need for them to suffer here!

 But if it’s to their advantage, then they’ve earned it!

 They have not forgotten what their elders told them before coming here!

Natsume Yang is the most powerful person in the world. If you can stay with him, you will benefit a lot even if you don't learn anything!

Furthermore, if he suddenly becomes kind-hearted and explains the way to them, they will make a lot of money!

“Okay, since none of you are willing to leave, please follow the steward Du Qiuyue and go to the Punishment Hall to admit your crimes!”

 “If you make a mistake, you should be punished, don’t you think so?”

Xia Muyang looked at these geniuses and smiled as if the conspiracy had succeeded, and said!

 “Hahaha, you idiot, you actually choose to stay here, you must be dumbfounded!”

"Fortunately, the labor and management left in time. You can slowly accept the punishment in the punishment hall! I will leave first!"

Hearing these words, the monks suddenly became happy and taunted one after another!

 “Damn it!”

The faces of many of the proud men who stayed behind suddenly darkened, but the path was their own choice, and there was no use regretting it!

“Hahaha, you idiots, just spend your time here slowly, we will leave first and enjoy our glory and wealth first!”

 Many people who left taunted proudly, showing off to the best of their ability!

 It’s really like they’re afraid that others won’t know that they want to go out and enjoy a good life!

“However, all the remaining geniuses, after they have been released from prison, can come to the ninth floor of the Sutra Pavilion and listen to me share the secrets of the great road!”

Looking at the geniuses who had a look of pride on their faces one moment, the smiles instantly solidified on their faces after listening to his words.

Xia Muyang smiled again, "Let's take this as one of the benefits of supporting our Luoxian Sect!"


I don’t know who swallowed the saliva, but it seemed so abrupt in this silent atmosphere!

 But no one cares about this now. They were all shocked by what Natsume Yang said just now!

 They were all in disbelief at first, and then their eyes were full of ecstasy, and their bodies were shaking with excitement!

That was the first sermon from mainland China, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

 It can even be said to be more precious than some ancient relics, and only ancient inheritance can surpass it!

 “I won’t leave, I am willing to accept the punishment!”

The genius who took the lead to leave suddenly retorted, saying that he did not want to leave and that he was willing to accept the punishment!

 “Yes, we are willing to accept the punishment, I won’t leave if I ask!”

Those proud men who had said that they wanted to leave just a moment ago and disdained to stay in Luoxian Sect, immediately echoed again!

 “Oh, are you willing to accept the punishment and not leave?”

Xia Muyang showed a playful smile when he heard this, and said: "If I remember correctly, someone just seemed to say that he didn't care about the Luoxian Sect at all, and he was the one who wanted to leave!"

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