The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1655: If you want to fight, don't talk nonsense.

 On the other side, here is Natsume Yang!

 “A good mood is ruined like this, oh, it’s really unpleasant!”

"Next time there are people like this, leave it to me to deal with them. These guys are really hateful. If you don't teach them a lesson, they really think they can make a difference!"

 Kanyue Qianxia said very fiercely!

“Okay, I’ll listen to you. Next time something like this happens, I’ll let you handle it. I’ll help you handle the rest!” Xia Muyang didn’t refuse!

 “Have a rest, there are still a lot of beautiful scenery waiting for us tomorrow!”

  Natsume Yang walked towards the big bed in the room!

Kuanyue Qianxia nodded when he heard this and walked onto the big bed!


 The next day!

 The two left the town!

 Going to a new place!

 The Tianxing Gate has been completely forgotten by them!

However, just because they have forgotten, does not mean that others have also forgotten!

 For example, Han Tianqi, such as Zhang Xingling!

 Especially Zhang Xingling! He was very angry that he lost to Natsume Yang in one move!

He was a powerful man of the seventh level of Haori Realm and the leader of a sect, but he was defeated by Xia Zhiqing in such a ridiculous way. How could he endure it!

 So, they secretly followed Xia Muyang and sent a message to all the masters in the sect, planning to take the opportunity to retaliate!

To be safe, they even colluded with some powerful casual cultivators who were friends with them!

“This time, I don’t believe you can defeat four hands with two fists! I want you to pay the price completely!” Zhang Xingling said bitterly!


 “It seems that these little bugs still refuse to give up and are following us!”

“Oh, you also called a group of people. They are planning to besiege us both. They want to make us look good and express their anger!”

Xia Muyang and Xia Muyang were riding on a white tiger with golden eyes, walking slowly!

As he walked, he admired the surrounding scenery. Suddenly, his brows moved and the corners of his mouth were filled with amusement.

“These guys are really haunted. In that case, don’t blame me for being rude. It just so happens that I really want to practice with them now!”

As soon as Kanyue Qianxia heard Xia Muyang’s words, she immediately became excited and said with excitement on her face!

“Then I’ll leave it to you, little fairy Qianxia! But don’t be careless. If the boat capsizes in the gutter, I’ll laugh at it!”

Xia Muyang said jokingly, causing Kanyue Qianxia to snort immediately, "Am I as **** as you say? I am also a powerful person at the fifth level of the Sky Realm after all!"

"Then it's up to you. They should be about to take action. Hehe, there will be a good show soon!"

Xia Muyang rested his head on his hands, smiling like the sun!

 About an hour later!

 The two came to a valley, and the golden-eyed white tiger suddenly stopped and let out an uneasy low groan!

 “Now that you’re here, let’s all come out. It’s so boring to hide!”

“Let me see how many people want to teach us both a lesson!”

Xia Muyang said lazily, without even opening his eyes!

“Boy, you have a keen sense, but that’s useless. Today is the end of you!”

“I will return all the humiliation you brought to me that day to you today, please be prepared for it!”

 Zhang Xingling appeared first, and then a group of monks also appeared one after another, blocking Xia Muyang and the others in the middle.

These monks are dressed in different costumes, including men, women, old and young, and they all have profound smiles on their faces!

 At a glance, there were at least fifty people there, which made the air around them much heavier!

“Why, didn’t you realize the difference between us that day? Do you want to do it again?”

"Zhang Xingling, do you like to be beaten so much? You even send it to your door yourself!" Xia Muyang said sarcastically without opening his eyes!

“Hmph, I haven’t seen you for a few days, but you are still so eloquent, but today, I want to see you show off your cruelty. I will make you kneel down and beg for mercy later!”

 Zhang Xingling said with an extremely gloomy expression upon hearing this!

“This little brother is quite calm. He doesn’t even open his eyes. He seems to be quite confident in his own strength. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be so arrogant!”

“However, if you can’t stand it any longer, you can ask my sister for mercy. She will be gentler and even give you a break!”

A female monk who looked very young looked at Natsume Yang with peach blossoms in her eyes and wished she could eat him!

"Dragon Girl, I advise you not to underestimate him, otherwise you will regret it later if you suffer a loss!"

"You are affectionate, but others may not mean it. If something goes wrong with you, it would be hard to explain!"

 Zhang Xingling's eyes flashed with a fierce light, looking at the female monk he called Dragon Girl, and said!

"Humph, you don't need to tell me, I have my own sense of proportion! Zhang Xingling, remember, I'm just here to help, not your subordinate!" The dragon girl counterattacked without giving in at all!

“I actually have such a young little sister, hehe, it seems that my trip was not in vain!”

 “When it comes time to take action, don’t try to fight against me. I must have a good talk about life with this little sister!”

An old monk with yellow teeth and tattered robes with a big mole between his eyebrows. His whole body exuded a foul odor, but he looked at Kanyue Qianxia with an evil smile!

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Sect Master, hurry up and take action. How dare you ignore our Tianxing Sect so much? We must make them look good!"

 The elders from the Tianxing Sect said with dismay in their eyes!

“Yes, yes, Sect Leader, let’s start quickly!”

Several other elders immediately echoed!

“Boy, kneel down and beg for mercy now, and I can forgive you depending on my mood!”

"Otherwise...hem, you will know what despair is!"

 Zhang Xingling's face was full of pride and he said with a tone of sure victory!

“Haha, if you want to fight, fight quickly. Where does all this nonsense come from? Are you still afraid of us?”

Natsume Yang replied with an impatient tone!

“Humph, I gave you a chance. Since you don’t cherish it, don’t blame me!”


 Zhang Xingling gave an order, and a group of people immediately rushed towards Xia Muyang and the two from all directions!

 “Chinatsu, it’s up to you!”

Natsume Yang opened his eyes slightly and said!

“Leave it to me, I won’t stop until I beat them all to the point of kneeling down and singing Conquer!”

 The fairy-like face of Guanyue Qianxia showed a thick evil smile!

“Huh, don’t you feel ashamed that a man who is a dignified man has to hide behind a woman?”

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xingling immediately laughed out loud!

“Hehehe, you’d better defeat her first and then talk about it!”

"By the way, you must not underestimate him, otherwise, you will be the one who regrets it!" Xia Muyang said without opening his eyes!

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