“It turns out to be the Heavenly Star Palm. Isn’t that the unique skill of Taoist Moxu from Fengling Pavilion? He can actually do this Star Spirit. Doesn’t that mean that... his relationship with Fengling Pavilion is extraordinary!”

 When everyone saw the palm that Zhang Xingling thrust out, they couldn't help but said in great horror!

On the palm I saw, there were countless stars twinkling, each one bursting with terrifying aura and absorbing billowing spiritual energy!

“At this moment, this man is dead. There is absolutely no way he can stop him! Those are nine peerless spiritual skills, their power is unimaginable!”

“With this spiritual skill, Zhang Xingling is enough to fight against monks at the eighth level of the Haori Realm without being at a disadvantage!”

When the onlookers were thinking this, they immediately looked at Natsume Yang, wondering how he would respond!

They originally thought that facing this unique move, Xia Muyang would do his best and take it extremely seriously!


 The real situation is...

Xia Muyang had a nonchalant expression on his face. He stretched out his hand without taking it seriously, and then, just like popping a bubble, the Star Palm shattered!

Yes, the Heavenly Star Palm, which had supreme power, exploded the entire inn as soon as it was activated, sending a large area of ​​monks flying. Xia Muyang easily pierced it!

"How can this be!!"

 Zhang Xingling’s eyes were as wide as bells, and he couldn’t believe what he saw!

That is the Heavenly Star Palm, a supreme spiritual skill from Taoist Moxu, one of the nine sect masters!

 Use all your strength to unleash the world-destroying power that can destroy mountains and fill up seas!

Even if he cannot exert the full strength of the Heavenly Star Palm, it is still a power that can easily kill monks of the same level!

  Why did he **** it with one finger when he came in front of Xia Muyang?

His Sky Star Palm, which makes all the second-class sects fearful, when did he become so weak!

 This is completely unscientific!

“Why, I find it incredible, Sect Master Zhang Xingling!”

Looking at Zhang Xingling’s horrified look, Xia Muyang couldn’t help but smile!

 Then, Xia Muyang casually looked around and found that no spiritual energy was coming out.

 However, Zhang Xingling clearly saw that the space near Xia Muyang's palm was shattered!

 Zhang Xingling couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. How strong was it to be able to do all this?

"Don't say that you are just a seventh-level monk in the Haori Realm. Even a monk in the Firmament Realm may not be able to block my finger!"


 This is the only impression all the onlookers have of Natsume Yang after listening to it!

 Very arrogant, too arrogant, arrogant and lawless!

 Everyone feels this way!

Even the monks in the sky realm can’t resist your finger, you really dare to say that!

 You are so powerful, why don’t you go to heaven!

What level of person is that in the Sky Realm? I'm afraid I can kill you with one finger!

Everyone just thought Natsume Yang was telling lies and didn't take it seriously at all!

"Zhang Xingling, do you know..." Xia Muyang looked at Zhang Xingling and scratched his head in distress.

“In order not to beat you to pieces, I have been working very hard to restrain my strength!”

While speaking, Xia Muyang had already arrived in front of Zhang Xingling. Zhang Xingling couldn't help but shrink his pupils when he saw this, and he wanted to retreat!

However, he suddenly discovered to his shock that he could not move at all!

Xia Muyang stretched out a finger again and said: "Killing a low-level monk like you is really dirtying my hands and has no value!"

 “Go away, go back to your Tianxingmen, cultivate your moral character well, don’t let the upper beam be straight or the lower beam be crooked, don’t ruin the atmosphere!”

"Of course, if you can't manage the Tianxing Sect well, then you will have no choice but to let the Monk Alliance cancel your sect qualifications!"

 After saying that, Xia Muyang flicked his forehead lightly!


Unexpectedly, Zhang Xingling disappeared instantly, and the air exploded.

Everyone only saw a phantom tearing through the air at high speed, and then, a mountain a few kilometers away suddenly shook violently.

 Then, the mountain peak fell directly!

 Wherever he passed, he even left a terrifying white aura!

In just one second, Zhang Xingling flew thousands of feet away!

How terrifying!


 All the people watching couldn't help but swallowed their saliva, and their eyes were filled with shock!

How strong do you have to be to make a strong person like Zhang Xingling unable to resist at all!

 Just one finger and he was completely defeated!

 Zhang Xingling, he is a strong man who can fight against the eighth level of Haori Realm and cannot be defeated!

“With about half of the power, no one will die, right?”

"Probably not. I haven't used any other means, just pure power. That guy shouldn't be dead yet!"

Natsu Muyang’s whispers naturally couldn’t be concealed from the people present!

 After hearing what Xia Muyang said, everyone couldn't help but become petrified in an instant!

Half strength, just strength, instantly killed a powerful person at the seventh level of Haori Realm!

  Do you want to be so strong?

How powerful would he be in his prime state?

No one dared to think about it at all!

 This is so horrifying!


As for Han Tianqi, when Xia Muyang looked over, her teeth chattered with fear, and she almost peed in fear!

As for Han Tianxing, when Xia Muyang looked over, he was so frightened that he backed away. His crotch was wet, and a fishy smell was wafting away!

 He was actually frightened to the point of peeing!

Seeing their appearance, Xia Muyang couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly, "Why are you panicking? I won't hit you?"

 Then he looked at Kanyue Qianxia, ​​who had been watching the excitement and leaning on the railing, and said, "It seems that we have to find another place to stay and have a rest!"

"Then let's go. I hope we find another one who won't make any mistakes again! There won't be any unsighted people who arrogantly ask us to give up the room!"

Guanyue Qianxia glanced at Han Tianqi indifferently. The indifference and contempt in her eyes made Han Tianqi feel a tremor in his soul and he didn't dare to express his anger!

 Natsume Yang and the two left like this!

 Leaving a group of people with big eyes and small eyes!

"What are the origins of these two people? Judging from their age, they are only in their teens, but their strength is so terrifying!"

After Xia Muyang left, everyone couldn't help but start a discussion!

“Perhaps it’s an inner disciple of a first-class sect! I just don’t know what Fengling Pavilion’s reaction will be when they find out about this!”

"That's true. How will Fengling Pavilion deal with this after knowing about it?"

These people are looking forward to it!

“You two guys, don’t think things will end like this. If you dare to treat us like this, I want you two to pay the price!”

Han Tianqi looked at Xia Muyang and the two leaving, and he said bitterly in his heart!

 He swore that this matter would not end like this!


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