The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1599: The origin of the world is very confusing

"You want to obliterate us. If that's the case, then we have nothing to be polite about! Let me see the strength of your Royal Knights!"

White Tiger's mountain-like body blocked in front of Dunasmon, spitting out cold light and saying in a voice like thunder!


The surrounding temperature suddenly rose, and the Suzaku beast, which looked like a sun, was also blocking the way of the royal knights!

Seeing this scene, Omegamon's face instantly became serious!

The most important thing is that there is still the biggest bug of Natsume Yang. No matter how powerful their Royal Knights are, it will be difficult to deal with so many enemies!

“Young men, since these Royal Knights want to deal with us, there is no other way but to fight!”

“Everyone in the Angel Army, what do you think? We should be allies for the time being!”

Xia Muyang looked at the remaining six demon kings and nine angels with a smile and said!

 “I refuse! I can only surrender to Lucemon in this life…”

Ultimate Angelmon immediately refused, but he didn’t even finish his words!


 The next moment, Ultra Angelmon's chest was pierced, and the digicore was directly broken into eight petals!

"what's the situation!"

"what happened!"

 The six demon kings and the remaining nine angels had no idea what was happening, so they saw Ultra Angelmon fall down like this!

“Since you are unwilling to form a united front with me, you are an enemy, and I will not be lenient towards my enemies!”

Xia Muyang took back the ice sword in his hand with cold eyes!

His face was full of cold murderous intent, and he scanned the whole place. Even the six demon kings did not dare to look directly at Natsume Yang who looked like this!

 Xia Muyang’s gaze is too overbearing and terrifying!

Even the ultimate beings like them, who control the existence of one party, can't help but shudder!

  Natsume Yang is so scary!

 “Let me ask you one more question…”

Natsume Yang narrowed his eyes and asked: "Become my partner in the united front, or become my enemy and be killed by me!"

   The six demon kings are very life-loving beings, and of course they would not choose to become Natsume Yang's enemy.

He immediately spoke: "Falling Heavenly Emperor Beast, we choose to be your partners!"

After getting the answers from the six demon kings, Xia Muyang looked at the remaining nine angels again and asked: "What about your choices? Do you all want to choose to be loyal to Lucemon like Ultimate Angelmon?"

“No, no, no, Fallen Hell Emperor Beast, don’t get me wrong, I choose to be your partner!”

This time, as soon as Natsume Yang finished speaking, an ultimate angel spoke softly!

It is the Yang Angel Beast, one of the nine great angels!

"So are we!"

Seeing Natsume Yang's gaze coming directly towards him, the two nine angels beside Yang Angel Beast couldn't help but trembled violently, and then hurriedly expressed their willingness to surrender!

Of course, not all angels will succumb to the threat of death!

“You traitors, it’s in vain that Lord Lucemon trusted you so much, how dare you betray Lucemon!”

"You...are not worthy of becoming the Nine Archangels at all! I am ashamed that you once lived as the Nine Archangels!"

 The Holy Celestial Beast looked at the three of them and roared angrily!

 Then, she looked at the gathered armies of the Kingdom of God and shouted: "Angels of the Kingdom of God, this kind of traitor is not worthy of being our partner at all!"

“I propose that we should expel them directly from the entire Kingdom of Angels, don’t you think so?”

The Holy Goddess Beast thought that these armies of the Kingdom of God would support her!


“Lord Holy Celestial Beast, forget it, Lord Lucemon is dead. Fighting against Fallen Hellmon now is just asking for death!” said a captain of the Kingdom of God!

 Another captain said: "What's more, these royal knights are here to kill us! We are fighting among ourselves at this time, why don't we clearly give the royal knights a chance?"

Another captain said: "We don't want to die, so we can only defeat these fallen royal knights and save our lives by following the fallen emperor beast!"

 The moment they finished speaking, there was a chorus of agreement from a large number of soldiers!

 “Yes, yes! Lord Holy Celestial Beast!”

 “Lord Holy Celestial Beast! It’s hard for us to support you this time!”

 “I’m sorry, Lord Holy Celestial Beast!”


 Among the many soldiers of the Kingdom of God, almost none support the Holy Celestial Beast!

 Even if there is, it has been completely submerged!

  Hearing the words of these soldiers, the Holy Celestial Beast couldn't help but froze on the spot!

She never expected that there would be no support for her at all!

“Hehehe, that’s right! It seems I was wrong this time! Okay, I respect your choice!”

"However, I will never be on the same front with you, Fallen Endaimon! The only one who can let me stand on the same front is Lucemon-sama!"

Sacred Celestial Beast laughed sadly, and then begged Natsume Yang: "Take them out of danger, please!"

  Then, she actually self-destructed her digital core, turning it into pure energy and directly entering Natsume Yang's body!

 “It’s a pity that you are so strong!”

Even Natsume Yang never thought that the Holy Celestial Beast would be so decisive!

“Then, come on, everyone, let these royal knights take a good look at how powerful we are!”

 “Be prepared, Omegamon! Because later you may not even have a chance to resist!”

Xia Muyang's eyes were like two lightning bolts, which made Omegamon feel cold in his heart, and his eyes suddenly became more solemn!

 He and the Alpha beast next to him looked at each other, and then they both saw solemnity in each other's eyes!

“Six-Winged Fallen Angelmon, Blue Dragonmon, BattleGreymon, Mikirohumon, and the six demon kings are on board!”

“This time, my opponent is the Royal Knight, the world’s top master. How much you can improve depends on your awareness and talent!”

"Sparring partners like this are rare! You have to work hard to grasp it!"

Natsume Yang licked his lips, and the moment he finished speaking, he disappeared directly and appeared in front of Omegamon!


 When the sword fell, Omegamon's pupils shrank, but it still blocked the sword with absolute intuition!

But the power of Natsume Yang's sword was so strong that Omegamon was directly knocked back more than ten meters!

 In some unknown place!

“Why is this **** Heavenly Fallen Emperor Beast still so powerful? This is unscientific!”

 The origin of the world frowned at all this, and said with confusion and anger.

According to his guess, if it was directly affected by the self-destruction of Lucemon, it should be severely injured and comatose like Jiutian Xuannvmon!

  Why Natsume Yo can still maintain his heyday even though he doesn’t play by the rules at all?

 Furthermore, it seems to be much stronger than before. Even the Royal Knights are so weak in front of him!

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