The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1598: The situation has been reversed

 “Who made you think that I lost my resistance! Knight Lordmon!”

 Xia Muyang suddenly raised his head, grinned at Knight Lordmon and said!

"not good!"

The moment he saw Natsume Yang's smile, Lord Knight couldn't help but screamed in his heart that it was bad and wanted to retreat!

 But, will Natsume Yang let him succeed?

Of course it’s impossible, they’ve already arrived here, how could Natsume Yang let KnightLordmon leave again!

 “Yan Di Bing Di Sword!”

 Natsume Yang shouted violently, and a freezing force that froze his soul burst out, leaving KnightLordmon with no room for resistance.

 The long sword that looked like light pierced through his body!

 Then, half of his body was frozen, and his movements stagnated for an instant!


The moment KnightLordmon's body was frozen, Natsume Yang had disappeared and appeared behind KnightLordmon's body!

“I won’t let you succeed so casually! Fallen Hell Emperor Beast, watch your moves!”

Magnamon, another member of the Royal Knights, rushed over and fired a terrifying light cannon directly at Natsume Yang, hoping to force Natsume Yang back and save KnightLordmon!

 But Natsume Yo will let him succeed?

Of course it’s impossible!

On the contrary, since Magnamon wants to come to the door by himself, then there is no need for him to be polite!

 “The Black Prison of Emperor Yama!”

With one move of the black hole, Magnamon's light cannon was directly absorbed into it, and then Natsume Yang shot out with another sword!


  Magnamon reacted very quickly and dodged the sword.

 However, he did not see the corners of Xia Muyang's lips suddenly rise into a smile!

 "Magnamon, try the power of your own moves!"

The moment Magnamon landed, a small black hole appeared in Xia Muyang's right hand.

 Then, a terrifying golden light cannon was shot out.

  Without giving Magnamon any chance to react, he wrapped it up directly!


How could Magnamon imagine that after Natsume Yang absorbed his moves, he could also release his moves!

He had no time to be prepared at all, and he just felt like he had fallen into a **** of endless tearing force and scorching heat.

 The sacred armor on his body is unable to resist this power, and it is cracked every inch!

"How can it be so powerful? Is this the strength of the Fallen Hell Emperor Beast? It's really terrifying!"

“I’m afraid even if all of us Royal Knights besiege him... we may not be able to kill him!”

 Magnamon said with great horror in his heart!

 In this light cannon, he has already seen his future!

 That’s death! !

"You... bastard... do you think... this freezing power... can freeze... me? You're so... naive! Fallen Hell Emperor Beast... today is your day of death!"

The Knight Lord Beast behind Natsume Yang actually broke free from the ice, waved the ribbon blade on his body, and launched the ultimate move "Swirling Flower Dance".

 Immediately, I saw four blades protruding from the armor on his body, slashing towards Natsume Yang!


 It’s just that Knight Lordmon’s blade has not yet reached Natsume Yang’s back.

Natsume Yang had already disappeared in front of him, and then, a sword suddenly stabbed out of his chest, and his Digicore was instantly shattered!

"How can it be!"

Knight Lordmon couldn't help but shrink his pupils, looking at the ice sword pierced from his chest in disbelief!


 The freezing power spread rapidly, and Knight Lordmon's chest froze again!

 He only felt a sudden blur in front of his eyes, and the digital energy was flowing away at an extremely fast speed!

 "I...Knight Lordmon...can actually be killed by an instant!"

 He fell down, and then his body slowly became unreal!

“Be careful, the Fallen Emperor Beast is in peak condition. Don’t act alone. If you want to attack, you must attack together!”

Seeing that KnightLordmon was killed instantly, Omegamon couldn't help but remind him loudly!


 The sudden situation here caused the Royal Knights to focus their attention!


 In the distance, Magnamon, which was hit by the light cannon, lay on the ground with serious injuries, its whole body broken and its breath sluggish!


  There was no chance for Omegamon to react.

I saw a phantom flash past, and Xia Muyang completely appeared in front of Magna Beast.

 The ice sword in his hand pierced his chest directly, shattering his digital core!

 Royal Knight, member -1!


Even a Digimon of Omegamon's level couldn't help but gulp down his saliva when he saw this scene!

Natsume Yang This is really terrifying!

 In just a short time, two members of the Royal Knights have been killed!

 They all have strength that is superior to ordinary ultimate bodies!

 But why are you so vulnerable in front of Natsume Yang!

 A group of royal knights looked at Xia Muyang and couldn't help showing their fearful expressions!

When the Digimon of the Holy Beast Army saw this scene, they couldn't help but let out shocking cheers!

 “The fallen Yama Emperor Beast is mighty!”

 “Lord Yamadimon, you are great!”

 “Hahaha, you guys just wait to die!”

They all shouted at the members of the Royal Knights!

 With Natsume Yang here, they can be completely unscrupulous!

“Damn it, these guys are so arrogant!”

“Hmph, do they really think that the Fallen Emperor Beast is invincible? Then let them know how powerful our Royal Knights are!”

Dunasmon looked at the proud expressions of the surrounding holy beast army and couldn't help snorting!

 His expression is very cold!

“Go! I don’t believe that his fallen Yamadimon is so powerful that he can challenge our entire Royal Knights on his own!”

 Ultimate Vdramon also said, his eyes cold!

These armies of holy beasts didn't take him seriously at all, making Ultimate V-dramon feel like he was seriously underestimated!

This feeling is very unpleasant, so he wants the members of the Holy Beast Army to know how powerful he is!

The name of the Royal Knights is by no means in vain!

"We want to besiege Lord Yamadimon, have you asked us for our opinion?"

Just when all the members of the Royal Knights were about to attack Natsume Yang, Six-Winged Fallen Angelmon and other Digimon suddenly appeared in front of them!

"This is not a place where you can mess around! If you dare to offend our king, please be mentally prepared for me, hello!"

Flash Fightermon looked at Ultimate Vdramon, one of the Royal Knights in front of him, and said in an extremely fierce tone!

“Royal Knights, it seems...the situation has been reversed!”

 Green Dragon Beast lowered its huge head, and a dazzling thunder light shone, resounding in all directions!

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