The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1483: Who doesn't know how to flatter someone?

  Natsume Yang’s evolution values ​​are constantly rising!

At the same time, the matching degree between this body and soul is also constantly improving, allowing his soul to better control this body to fight!

He took a look and found that the data on the matching degree between body and soul were almost the same as his evolution value!

 In other words, when he upgrades again, the matching degree between his body and soul will continue to upgrade.

 Finally, release the true strength of his soul!

 But Natsume Yang's dazzling achievements made one Digimon jealous and even became uneasy!

That is Natsume Yang’s current boss, Ambermon!

He looked at the invincible Xia Muyang, gritted his teeth and said: "This **** guy has been hiding his strength all this time!"

“Knowing that Master Silver Lion is coming this time, he fights so hard and tries his best to express himself! Now he has succeeded. With this achievement, it is enough for him to be promoted to captain!”

 “At that time, wouldn’t it be.”

Ambelamon couldn't help but clenched his fists when he thought that Natsume Yang would soon be on equal footing with him, and might even complain in front of Silverlion and have him punished.

“No, we must not let him continue to perform, otherwise, he is very likely to ride on my head directly with his huge record!”

Ambelamon is jealous and envious of Natsumeyo's performance. He cannot tolerate his subordinates surpassing him like this!

 So, he is preparing to suppress Natsume Yang!

However, just when he was about to take action, the Silver Lion suddenly appeared in front of him, looked at him and said, "If you dare to trip him up, I can't spare you!"

 Just such a sentence immediately frightened Ambermon!

 “Damn, why, **** beast, how can your life be so good?” Umberamon roared unwillingly in his heart!

But he really didn’t dare to trip up Natsume Yang! Because he is afraid of the Silver Lion Beast!

“Hmph, you are as timid as a rat, I’m sorry for expecting you so much!”

Seeing this scene, Xia Muyang couldn't help but let out a contemptuous low voice, and then continued to join the battle!

 Three hours later!

  Natsume Yo's evolution value has surpassed his former superior Ambermon, reaching 350!

On the Hongye City side, Skyhawkmon was severely injured and was **** with chains by Silverlion!

 Goshawkmon, Hummingbirdmon and other generals of Hongye City were all defeated.

 Hongye City, there are only some weak mature Digimon left, and they no longer pose much of a threat!

Hongye City, captured! Aquilamon, descend!

Just after the war, Silver Lion walked directly towards Natsume Yang, bent down and patted his shoulder and said: "Very good, Hellmon, you did a great job!"

"In this case, I officially declare that you, **** beast, will become the twelfth general under my Silver Lion from this moment on, commanding two hundred black-eared beasts, and continue to fight with me, do you understand?"

Silver Lion Beast is more straightforward, and the reward came all at once!

“Thank you for your appreciation, Lord Silverleomon. I will live up to Lord Silverleomon’s trust and work hard for His Majesty Huanglongmon’s plan until my death!”

“Sir Silver Lion, your kindness to me is like a surging river, endless. Don’t worry, I will definitely work harder!”

Natsume Yang pretended to shed tears of gratitude and said, Silver Lionmon felt so relieved after hearing this, it was very useful!

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