"He actually dodged even Goshawkmon's surprise attack. This **** beast is too strong!"

“Yes, Goshawkmon is the Digimon who is best at speed in Hongye City!”

“The surprise attack he launched has never been avoided so far, and now it is actually avoided by this guy. This guy is really powerful!”

Many Digimon in Hongye City looked at this scene and couldn't help but exclaimed!

“I didn’t care about killing the Pangolin Beast before, but now I even dodge the Goshawk Beast’s surprise attack. Hell Beast, you are so powerful that you are too powerful!”

Aquimon's eyes were cold and murderous, and he said: "A genius-level Digimon like you must not stay, otherwise..."

He glanced at the Hellmon created by Natsume Yo again and said, "If you are appreciated by Huanglongmon, the entire continent will probably suffer even more horrific devastation, and more Digimon will suffer!"

With this thought, Aquilamon no longer hesitated.

He turned into a stream of light and appeared in front of Xia Muyang. He opened his mouth and was about to shoot a destructive light cannon at Xia Muyang!


Faced with the attack of this ten-meter-long Aquila beast, Xia Muyang couldn't help but take a breath of shock!

 “I must not get hit, otherwise, I will be doomed!”

 Natsume Yang knew the power of this blow. If he was hit, he would definitely be dead!


“There’s no way to escape, there’s no time to react!”

The speed of this Aquilamon is so fast that Natsume Yang's current body cannot keep up with his reaction speed and react!

 At this critical moment.


A sound of gold and iron suddenly exploded, and Xia Muyang realized that there was an additional figure in front of him!

The figure I saw had a silver mane, a lion's head and a beast's body, and was wearing armor made of Digizalloy. He was two meters tall and had claws on his hands, which were powerful.

It is Ambermon's boss, a top-notch Digimon even in its mature stage, Silverlion!

“Such a genius cannot be killed like this!”

Silver Lion smiled, his eyes sparkled, and his aura suddenly became vigorous and powerful, knocking Aquila back!

"Go to the battlefield where you belong and serve well. After this battle, if you have made outstanding achievements, I may not be able to give you the status of a captain and let you become independent!"

Silver Lionmon left Natsume Yang, who was as small as a dot behind him, and said!


Hearing this, Natsume Yang grinned and rushed towards the mature Digimon lineup on the side with a whoosh!

Hongye City is nearly ten kilometers wide, and there are nearly 10,000 Digimon living in it!

 But there are not many in the mature stage, only about three hundred!

 And Natsume Yang’s goal is naturally these maturity periods!

 He is not greedy for merit either. He will not mess with those whose evolution values ​​are above 500 for the time being!

 Because he can’t afford to provoke him!

 But for those whose evolution value is only 200, he will not be polite!

 With his experience and methods, it is not too difficult to kill these Digimon!

“Ding! You killed an armored bear beast, the evolution value is +15, and the matching degree between body and soul is +15!”

"Ding! You killed a sea lion, evolution value +20, Digizoid fragment *1!"

“Ding! You killed a Crimson Bidomon, the evolution value is +15, and the matching degree between body and soul is +15!”


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