“Faerie Seal!”

 Natsume Yang followed them like a shadow, with both hands sealing their own skills, pressing them on their chests!


 The scorching seal directly sealed their chakra and even their samsara eyes!

 “Bai Ling, the counterattack has begun!”

 After doing all this, Natsume Yang said to Bai Ling who was still shuttled among the Otsutsuki clan!

"Understood, Sir Natsume Yang!" Bai Ling shouted.

But after hearing this, Xia Muyang said again: "I'll leave the rest to you. You must have never been happy!"

 “In that case, let me be a little more serious!”

Seeing that Xia Muyang was not ready to take action again, Bai Ling's eyes were full of excitement!

“You flat-haired beast, stop being so arrogant here!”

Seeing that Natsume Yang actually despised them so much, Otsutsuki Hikaru Shiki and the three young leaders of the Otsutsuki clan who were seriously injured but still had strong fighting ability were all extremely angry.

 Then, they all launched an attack on Bai Ling!


 Faced with attacks coming from all directions.

Bai Ling gave a long shout, and his body instantly expanded. His wings were like clouds hanging from the sky, his eyes were like stars in the sky, and he was so big that he could weigh more than a thousand feet!

 “Boom, boom, boom!”

 Ōtsutsuki Hikari's powerful attack hit Bai Ling's body, but it was like scratching an itch and had no effect on Bai Ling!

 “You can all log off now!”

Bai Ling's cold words exploded like a god, causing violent explosions in the air.

His presence caused the planet beneath him to buzz and tremble violently!

At this moment, people in the ninja world suddenly saw a spectacular scene!

What they saw was that directly above the sky, a divine bird spread its wings angrily. Its wings shone with divine light, like the incarnation of light, and people couldn't help but worship!

 At the same time, there was also a strong depressive atmosphere.

 The ninjas didn’t feel anything was wrong, but at this moment, all the birds in the ninja world actually crawled in the direction of the sacred bird!

 Even the most ferocious falcons and the most terrifying bird psychic beasts, at this moment, they all surrendered in the direction of the divine bird!

The white spirit directly above the sky is their king and their god!

 “What on earth is going on? This is too scary!”

“Don’t tell me that’s Bai Ling, that’s too unreal!”

“Hey, hey, hey, this kind of existence, this kind of aura, actually made all the birds surrender. What is going on!”

Ninjas from all over the ninja world were frightened by this scene!

 Back to the Otsutsuki clan!

 Bai Ling waved his huge iron wings!

 In an instant, it was as if the heaven and earth were turned upside down, with lightning roaring and the heaven and earth wailing.

The unspeakable world-destroying storm carried the power of the star explosion and hit people like Otsutsuki Hikaru!


 There is no possibility of resistance at all. All their attacks are like fireworks hitting an iron plate, unable to hurt Bai Ling at all!

Everyone was shot out like bullets.

 Crossing thousands of miles, he landed in a completely unknown place. He was seriously injured and only had one breath left!

 “Heaven will destroy me Otsutsuki!”

At this moment, all the people of the Otsutsuki clan scattered in various places had such a word in their hearts in despair!

"it's over!"

 Natsume Yang stands in the terrifying storm, as if he is connected with the planet, his mind is completely unaffected!

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