The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1468: What did you do to the patriarch?


 An ice sword suddenly penetrated from his chest!

 “Jade kills Weihe!”

 Otsutsuki Isshin reacted very quickly and immediately attacked with the help of Daodama!

 However, his attack failed!

 There was no one behind him. The long sword that penetrated his chest would have been just an ice sword!


 Otsutsuki Isshin couldn't help being surprised.

At this moment, an extremely sharp breath suddenly came from his head.

 He immediately looked up and saw a large piece of Ice Emperor Sword pouring down like a heavy rain!

 “The Three Thousand Worlds of the Ice Emperor’s Mysteries!”

Natsume Yang's voice immediately sounded, and the entire Otsutsuki clan faced the attack of this rain of swords!

"not good!"

Otsutsuki was so horrified that the twelve pieces immediately merged together and turned into a huge defensive shield that could cover the entire clan, blocking the sword rain!


 The terrifying sound of gold and iron colliding with each other exploded.

That terrifying sword intent, even through the Qiudao Jade, frightened the people of the Otsutsuki clan, and shallow blood marks appeared directly on their bodies!

Unimaginable terrifying wind and waves raged in the air, stirring up the planet where the Otsutsuki clan is located!

 The wind and waves are breaking the earth, collapsing the earth, and sweeping everything!

 Ten miles!

 Hundred miles!


 It has spread to unimaginable distances! Extremely horrifying!

this moment!

 The situation changes and the heaven and earth tremble!

Even the Qiudao Jade heard the sound of 'clicking' and 'clicking' into pieces, which was shocking!

 But is Natsume Yang’s purpose just to cause all this destruction?

of course not!

 “Time freezes!”

 Natsume Yang's voice sounded again behind Otsutsuki Isshin, who was shocked!

 He wanted to resist and break free, but he was only halfway free!

 But I heard Natsume Yang's voice again, "Seal of the Immortals!"

 A hot seal, following Natsume Yang’s palm, was imprinted on the back of his Otsutsuki Isshin!


 Otsutsuki Isshin suddenly screamed!

He felt as if this mark was going to be inserted into every cell of his, completely sealing all his ability to move!


He screamed in despair, but it had no effect. The time freeze was strengthened again by Natsume Yang, and the fairy seal quickly spread to his entire body.

 Then, they gathered on his head and turned into the traditional character "ling" (ling)!

 Otsutsuki was like an ordinary person in an instant, completely losing his chakra aura, and the seeking jade also disappeared!

"what happened!"

The members of the Otsutsuki clan didn't even realize what was going on. They saw that their clan leader had completely lost his breath like ordinary people!

 “You bastard, what did you do to our clan leader!”

 Ōtsutsuki Shishishi and Ōtsutsuki Nijishi came roaring angrily, with terrifying chakra fluctuations in their hands!

 “Frozen Eyes!”

 But it was Xia Muyang’s terrifying ice eyes that caught them hard!

Just in that moment, their bodies froze. The two of them couldn't help but be frightened. They quickly burst out their chakra and tried to break free!

But he didn’t want Natsume Yang to spit out a devil-like voice again: “Explode!”


 Ōtsutsuki Shishiki and Ōtsutsuki Nijishi didn't even know what was happening, but they felt a huge explosion force coming and blew them away.

 Moreover, the severe pain that penetrated their souls almost made them faint!

 The places where they were frozen just now have completely disappeared. The explosion just now was caused by these frozen places!

Such a method made all the Otsutsuki clan present feel terrified!

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