The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1449: What is the God of Ninja, this is

Hearing this, he had already used the Ice Forest to stop the ice clones that were full of ferocious dog-heads, and turned around with a bright smile.

He said: "Have you ever seen an adult who would have **** with a child?"

 Bland, but natural, and unparalleled in domineering!

Just like Uchiha Madara said in an understatement when he crushed the Five Shadows!


Otsutsuki Urashiki never expected that he would get such an answer! He roared, he roared, he refused!

His furious yet powerless voice resounded throughout Konoha!

What Natsume Yo means is that his Otsutsukiura style is not worthy of Natsume Yo taking seriously!

 What contempt and arrogance!

“You are as flamboyant as ever, Natsume Yo, this guy is really more Uchiha Madara than Uchiha Madara!”

 At one point, Tsunade, who was directing Kakashi and others to fight, couldn't help but shook his head after hearing these words!

Boruto Uzumaki, who had woken up below, looked at Natsume Yang in the sky and for the first time knew what domineering and strength were!

Such a powerful Otsutsukiura style, but in Natsume Yang's mouth, he is just a child. How arrogant and domineering!

 There was a look of admiration in his eyes!

 In the past, I had only heard of his name and knew that he was very powerful, but I never knew how powerful he was!

 And today, he finally knows it!

“This is the God of Ninja. He is indeed the God of Ninja, Natsume Haru. He is so strong, so strong!”

Boruto Uzumaki shouted in his heart with great excitement that he had decided that after this war is over, he must learn from Natsume Yang!

 He also wants to be as powerful as Natsume Yang!

"How is it possible, just kidding, that such a powerful brother could be defeated like this?"

Otsutsuki Ugan feels that his world view is about to collapse!

 In his impression, his eldest brother Otsutsuki Ura Shiki is the strongest, and no one can defeat him!

 But now, the absolute hard facts tell him that there is a man named Natsume Yang in this world who can defeat his elder brother!

 “But don’t think you’ve won just like this…”

Otsutsuki Ugan suddenly had a hard look in his eyes and shouted: "Here's demon, come out here!"


With a shocking smoke, the heretic demon statue, now blessed by six tailed beasts, appeared on the battlefield in a world-destroying state!

 "Natsume Yang, die! Heretic demon, kill him with the tailed beast jade!"

Otsutsuki Uragan rushed directly to the body of the outside demon, commanded the outside demon, and fired a super-large tailed beast jade that gathered the power of the six tailed beasts, directly distorting the space and blasting towards Natsume Yang!

 “Here’s a demon, it’s really been a long time!”

“However, since you brought the Heretic Golem to your door automatically, I won’t be polite. I’m just too lazy to look for it everywhere!”

“This is the first time I’ve seen such a weak tailed beast jade!”

“Thinking back to those days, I still had the power to destroy heaven and earth, but now... well, let’s not talk about it, I’m really ashamed of the word Tailed Beast Jade!”

Facing the tailed beast jade that was as hot as a small sun, the ice clone didn't show any emotion on his face. Instead, he joked with a look of disappointment!

“Gulu, don’t you even take this kind of attack lightly? Such a terrifying attack is so weak!”

"Then what kind of attack do you take seriously? This is an attack that can easily destroy the entire Konoha Village!"

Boruto Uzumaki was really frightened by the words of the ice clone! He looked at the ice clone in shock, wondering how he would respond!

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