“Time stops!”

  When Otsutsuki Ura Shiki came into contact with this wave that was irresistible and wanted to stop all his thoughts, he was shocked and his eyes widened!

 “Otsutsukiura Shiki, it’s time for you to exit!”

The ice clone stabbed forward with the sword, piercing Otsutsuki Ura Shiki's heart! So what if he has an immortal body? Without his heart, he will still die!

 “Damn it!”

As soon as the ice clone was released from confinement, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki felt his life passing quickly and couldn't help but roar!

 "Natsume Yang, you guy..."

“Tianli Shouyue, don’t think you can seal me!”

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki panicked. He knew that he might still have a chance to survive if he retreated now.

 So, he mobilized all his strength and launched his most powerful move yet!


The entire land of Konoha Village seemed to have come to life, turning into angry dog ​​heads, roaring and rushing towards the ice clone.

 Infinite and despairing!

"Hahaha, Natsume Yang, see you later! Next time we meet, I will use my full strength against you from the beginning, and I won't look down on you like this time!"

“Come on, I want to see how you can protect these weak villagers while responding to my attack!”

 As soon as he held his right hand in the Otsutsuki Ura style, a space crack appeared!

"next time…"

“Hehehe, I, Natsume Yang, have never taken off the things I’ve been eyeing!”

Xia Muyang smiled, and when he saw him, he spread his fingers and said, "Bingsen Conglin!"

Then, he glared at Otsutsuki Ura Shiki again, "Frozen Eyes!"


 Otsutsuki Ura Shi's body was more than half frozen in an instant, and he was horrified!

This is not over yet, another ice clone said: "Binding Dao No. 63, chain binding!"

 A large circle of chains suddenly appeared, and the Otsutsuki Ura Shiki was directly tied into a rice dumpling.

There is a powerful sealing power on the chain, which actually slows down the chakra flow of Otsutsukiura style several times instantly, making it impossible to break free!

Otsutsuki Urashiki could only look at the freezing power, freezing himself layer by layer!

 “No! This is impossible, how is it possible!”

 Otsutsuki Ura Shiki was really panicked, a group of people were panicked, panicked, and deeply unwilling!

He is Otsutsuki Ura Shiki, a genius of the Otsutsuki clan, a peerless strongman who has never been defeated since he was born!

You know, even Natsume Yang was not taken seriously by him in the beginning!

 But, why!

 When he faced Natsume Yang, he never had the upper hand.

 Natsume Yang is almost like playing with him, but still has the strength to crush him!

 Every move he made was completely restrained by Natsume Yang!

 So far, he has not hurt Natsume Yang even a little bit!

 However, Natsume Yang had already injured him to the point of death! But he still looked lazy and didn't feel serious at all!

The most important thing is that he can't even beat an ice clone of Natsume Yang, just an ice clone!

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki felt like a volcano was erupting in his heart. The humiliation and unwillingness were almost overwhelming him!

 But unfortunately, he has no chance!

 But even so, he still had one thing to ask.

He shouted sharply: "Xia Muyang, since you have such a strong strength, why didn't you use it at the beginning instead of crushing and hitting me like this!"

 “If you are serious, wouldn’t you be able to deal with me quickly!”

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