“On the way to the implementation of our plan, a huge obstacle has appeared, and we need you to come out and solve it in advance!”

“If we don’t get rid of that guy, it’s impossible to kill Neo to stimulate his flavor and complete my planet cooking plan!” Air said with a very solemn expression!

 “Oh, can’t you Blue Nitro handle it?”

Hearing this, Akasha immediately showed an inexplicable smile.

His eyes were suddenly full of ferocious light, and he said: "Then keeping you here will be of no use!"

As he spoke, the meat **** in his body suddenly turned into huge gluttonous mouths, and he swallowed three of them!

Air reacted quickly and slashed back the giant mouth that came towards him with a knife. He shouted at Acacia: "Acacia, what are you going to do!"

“It’s all waste anyway, why don’t you use it to enhance my strength? Tell me, who is the stumbling block?”

 Acacia asked as if she was not embarrassed at all!

 “His name is Xia...!”

Just as Air was about to answer, a voice came from above him, "My name is Natsume Yang, this is the first time we meet, Acacia, the God of Food, please take care of me!"

 The Natsume Yang who met him was like a god, floating in the air, standing in the sky above Acacia, looking down at him and said!

 “You guy… actually chased me here!”

 Seeing Xia Muyang actually chasing after him, air felt his whole body tremble!

"Are you Natsume Yang? It's interesting. You are indeed very powerful. Swallowing you should be enough for me to be resurrected!"

Acacia looked at Natsume Yang, narrowed his eyes and showed a stern smile.

Then, countless meatballs turned into a big mouth and began to bite, giving Natsume Yang no chance to escape!

 “Ice storm!”

Natsume Yang whispered, and then an unimaginable snowstorm swept across the entire second continent.

Not to mention that the greedy mouth that rushed over, even the body of Acacia, was directly frozen, and was directly beaten into a sieve by the ice pick wrapped in it!

“Acacia, you want to eat me, do you think you have the ability?”

Looking at Acacia who was beaten into a sieve, Xia Muyang glanced at him indifferently and said!

“Hahaha, very good, very good. If I eat you, I will definitely gain enough energy to be fully resurrected!”

 Acacia was beaten into a sieve, but as if nothing happened, his body actually regenerated at a super speed!

Then, his whole body shrank and turned into a thin, middle-aged man, appearing in front of Natsume Yang.

He reached out and blasted out an energy fist directly, exuding an extremely shocking heavy aura, and it was as if the planet was about to be exploded by a hammer, and it was blasted in front of Xia Muyang!

 “Fist of Food!”

This punch is enough to directly and severely injure the horse king, and tap its acupoints, causing it to slowly lose its vitality!

 “The Secret of the Ice Emperor A Thousand Worlds!”

Natsume Yang shouted proudly, and the Ice Emperor Sword pierced straight away as if it had the weight of the entire planet!


At this moment, the entire planet trembled violently, and then rapidly collapsed!

At this moment, humans in the human world almost thought that the end of the world was coming!

 Because, the sky is cracked, the tsunami covers the sky, and the earth is cracked!

Countless living beings felt the fear coming from the depths of their souls. Countless food beasts fled in terror, triggering a terrifying tide of beasts!

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