“You didn’t have time to escape? How dare you say that!”

At this time, from the smoke and dust of the explosion, Natsume Yang's lazy and majestic voice came!

Then, a sharp sword energy was seen, and the dust curtain was cut open with a stab.

With a disdainful sneer on his lips, Xia Muyang looked at the people rushing over and said contemptuously: "Are you worthy of letting me dodge such a weak attack?"

Proud and contemptuous, just like a noble nobleman, people can't help but want to push Xia Muyang to the ground and beat him up!

 “Asshole, don’t be too proud!”

These words naturally angered these people in an instant. They shouted violently and launched another attack!

“Since you are not convinced, let me show you what strength is!”

 “Ice Palm, suppress!”

Xia Muyang pointed his finger to the sky, and then, a huge icy force burst out from his body, and the oppressive earth continued to tremble!

Immediately, a huge ice palm, as if carrying the will of a god, directly reached out and grabbed it!

 “Hey, hey, hey, how is this possible!”

 The palm of the ice directly compressed the air, causing huge oppression.

It actually knocked these people to the ground all at once, making them unable to get up at all, as weak as writhing insects!

"How can it be... so strong! Is the gap between us... so big?"

 Everyone thought in shock, extremely desperate!

 Only now do they realize how ridiculous their behavior just now was!


 The palm falls, the ground collapses, the wind rises, and the battle comes to an end! Everyone was suppressed!

 “Let’s go, Kusum, it’s time to go to the seventh continent!”

Xia Muyang hugged Kanyue Qianxia and said to Kusum, and then got on Bai Ling's body!

“Xiaosong, Alu, see you on the Seventh Continent! You have to be faster, otherwise, your pair will be taken away!”

 After saying that, Bai Ling fluttered his wings, soared up to 90,000 miles, and completely disappeared in front of Alu and the others!

 There is only an extremely wide air wave ring left, and even the wind and waves cannot make it disappear!

At that time it was called: The trajectory of the Wind Spirit Bird King!

 In the far north of the Eighth Continent, the Second Continent!

This is the place where one of the Eight Kings, the Wolf King Gines, is located!

And on this continent, there is an existence even more terrifying than the Wolf King Gines—the God of Food, Acacia.

 No, it should be Acacia and his gourmet cell demon, neo!

In a huge pit, a huge monster covered in meatballs exuded a terrifying aura and kept devouring the food that was sent to it!

This monster, which is like a combination of countless meat balls, is the original form of Acacia, and those meat **** are neo!

He is like a bottomless pit, and his terrifying appetite seems to have no end. He will eat as much as he comes!

at this moment!

Blue Nitro nobles and Gioia appeared here together!

 “Acacia, wake up!” Air shouted towards the pit!

 “What’s the matter, my friends! You! Are you in trouble?”

 A majestic and powerful voice suddenly sounded, and the huge fleshy monster suddenly merged together, and then turned into a big face!

That is the face that belongs to Acacia, the face of the God of Food!

 At that moment, all living beings in the world suddenly felt a faint sense of panic!

 Even the Eight Kings are no exception!

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