They are all extremely talented people, so they naturally sensed the unusual atmosphere near the cooking stadium!

Coupled with the fact that Mansam had prepared them for a tough battle a few days ago, they also realized that there might be a terrible enemy coming!

"No matter who comes, don't even think about hurting Xiaosong, otherwise, I will have no choice but to be rude!"

 Alu clenched his fists and said with stern eyes!

  Natsume Yang took a look at their combat power levels!

 After his special training, the combat power levels of these four people have basically reached more than 500!

 After returning, they seemed to have undergone some extraordinary special training, and their current combat power levels actually exceeded 600.

 Among them, Alu is the strongest, with a combat power level of 632!

“Hmph, that’s interesting. Is it a special cultivation method for this world?”

Natsume Yang could feel the more condensed and sharp power of these four people, and smiled in his heart!

He glanced at Kusum again and said in his heart: "Talent is something that cannot be ignored!"

“Even with my teachings, good resources and training methods, Kusum is about to reach his limit, with a combat power level of 550!”

“Genius is not scary. What’s scary is that genius works harder and is more capable than you!”

Xia Muyang sighed, and Rock Li's appearance appeared in his head involuntarily!

“Well, it seems that bloodline theory exists no matter where you are!” Xia Muyang couldn’t help laughing, shook his head, and said nothing more!

 In his perception, the gourmet party is already close! Of course, there is still a certain distance from this culinary stadium!

As for what Xia Muyang said is still a little far away? It’s about a hundred kilometers!

The two sides of the finals came on stage one after another. Zeus glanced at Xiaosong and then walked into the competition venue, a dark space where he could even be blindfolded!

This scene is about cooking food in the dark!

 As an excellent cook, you should be able to cook food skillfully in the dark, listen to the sound of the food, and perfectly integrate the taste of the food itself!

  Komatsu would be lying if he said he was not under a lot of pressure. After all, he is Zeus, the number one cook in the world!

 The name of a person, the shadow of a tree!

Facing Zeus, Komatsu was quite unsure of his own strength. He only entered the top 100 of the world's chefs this year!

And Zeus has won the championship three times in a row!

 The difference in strength is huge!

“Chef Komatsu, just relax and perform to your best ability. Do your best and obey fate. If it doesn’t work this time, there will be another one!”

“Just pretend that Zeus doesn’t exist, just pretend that this is an ordinary cooking, listen to the sounds of the ingredients, and feel the happiness in the cooking process! You can do it, Chef Komatsu!”

Suddenly, Xia Muyang's voice sounded in Xiaosong's head, making him suddenly widen his eyes!

"I see!"

 Xiao Song was very calm after hearing this.

He took a long breath and listened to the sound of Zeus starting to prepare food not far away. He also picked up the kitchen knife.

Just like Natsume Yang said, listen carefully to the sounds of the ingredients and treat this competition as an ordinary cooking!

Just when he was thinking this, he once again felt the joy and excitement of the ingredients in front of him, as if they couldn't wait to be cooked by him to bring happiness to people!

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