The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1383: What is supposed to come must come

“You’re doing a great job, Chef Komatsu, keep up the good work!”

After the first day of competition, Xia Muyang looked at Komatsu, who was walking over and was a little shy and restrained, and patted him on the shoulder to encourage him!

“Thank you so much for your trust, I will continue to work hard!” Xiaosong bowed with emotion!

"Hahaha, Chef Komatsu, after the competition is over, you have to show us your skills. I have been looking forward to the delicious food you made for a long time!"

Natsume Yang looked at Xiaosong and said expectantly with a smile on his face!

"Yes, I will!" Xiaosong raised his head and looked at Xia Muyang, his eyes filled with excitement!

 As a cook, one of the most exciting things is that your cooking can be recognized by others!


Xia Muyang and the two found a hotel with a good environment to stay!

“Do you really think highly of Chef Komatsu? It’s rare to see you praise someone so highly!”

“At that time, only Uchiha Madara, Urahara Kisuke and a few other people could get such a high evaluation from you!”

  Kanyue Qianxia was lying in Natsume Yang’s arms and said!

“Hehe, he can hear the sounds of ingredients, he is definitely a very good cook!”

“Only one in a billion can do this, and he is the lucky one among billions of people, the chosen one of ingredients!”

“Look, he plays a very important role in our future plans. There are several ingredients that only he can cook!”

“There’s no harm in making a good friend of a cook! In that case, why not make a good friend…”

Natsume Yang smiled, and then showed a bad smile. Amidst Kanyue Qianxia’s exclamation, he met her eyes and kissed her immediately!

 “Well, you’re a bad person!”


 When Kanyue Qianxia woke up again, it was already the next morning!

 “You guy, you slept comfortably!”

Looking at Xia Muyang who was still sleeping soundly, Kanyue Qianxia couldn't help but kicked Xia Muyang lightly in anger!

“Hehe, I wanted to too, but there was someone who stuck to me yesterday and wouldn’t let me leave!”

Xia Muyang actually woke up. He turned over and hugged Kanyue Qianxia again!

 “Oh, why are you saying such embarrassing things?”

Hearing this, Kanyue Qianxia suddenly blushed and couldn't help but snort!

After a few minutes of tenderness, the two of them got up. After a brief wash, they rushed to the cooking stadium again!

Today’s game is the highlight!

 In order to make this game more interesting and enjoyable, the rules have also been changed accordingly compared to previous games!

Carry out a cruel competition of 100 to 50, 50 to 25, and finally, only the ten strongest chefs will be left in the elimination round!

 The chefs in the first showdown are Komatsu and his opponent, Zeus, who has been ranked number one in the world for three consecutive years!

 “Oh, is it really here?”

 Xia Muyang suddenly felt something and said softly!

 “What really happened?”

The lackluster Kanyue Qianxia leaned in Natsume Yang's arms and asked!

“Hey, you’ll find out later! This cooking festival probably won’t go on, but it should be very lively later!”

Natsume Yang said like a magic stick, which also attracted the attention of the Four Heavenly Kings of Food next to him!

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