The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1120: This river water is poisonous

"It's okay, be careful next time, otherwise, it will be bad if you break it..."

Looking at the child's skillful apology, Natsume Yang couldn't help but feel a little complicated.

 Obviously, he does this kind of thing often, otherwise, he wouldn’t be so skilled!

 “Gulu gulu!”

The child's stomach suddenly growled, and he couldn't help but blush immediately!

 “You’re hungry, here, I just bought it, eat it while it’s hot!”

 Natsume Yang couldn't help but chuckle, bought two rice **** from the stall next to him and handed them to the child.

 The child looked at the two rice **** in front of him in a daze. Then he raised his head and looked at Natsume Yang with a sunny smile on his face, and couldn't help but feel warm in his heart.

After taking the rice ball from Natsume Yang, he shed tears, bowed again and sobbed: "Thank you, thank you so much, Minako will not starve to death!"

 After saying that, he rushed out as fast as he could.

“It seems that your plan still has a long way to go!”

Seeing this, Kanyue Qianxia on the side glanced at Xia Muyang and said slightly teasingly.

“Yes, there is a long way to go, and the road ahead is long!”

Natsume Yang also nodded and said in agreement.

 Although everyone likes to look at the bright side, it is undeniable that it is not that easy to look at the bright side!

 This requires a considerable period of accumulation.

“Let’s keep shopping. Anyway, the amount of the aid plan has been increased a lot. I believe their lives will improve soon!”

 Natsume Yang holds Kanyue Qianxia’s hand and continues to wander!

 All of this is being watched by the powerful people from the shogunate and shogunate of Wano.

 But before the identities of the two are exposed, the people who are secretly monitoring all this will not take them seriously!

 They were only interested in the young man from a wealthy family who took a woman out for fun. After all, Natsume Yang looked like a **** no matter how he looked.

 And a person who poses no threat to them, why should they spend more energy.

 In fact, not only them, but everyone on the street feels this way. In their opinion, Natsume Yang is a second-generation **** from a certain kingdom’s nobles!


“The country of Wano is well-deserved, with green mountains and green waters, and pleasant scenery. I really want to build a house here and retire here!”

Xia Muyang and the two of them visited a river beach all the way. Behind them was a green forest, which was extremely lush.

 “Today’s lunch, let’s settle it here!”

“It’s been a long time since I’ve tried eating in the wild!” Natsume Yang suggested!


 There is no reason for Kanyue Qianxia not to agree!


 With Natsume Yang's strength, catching some fish and game is not an easy task.

However, just after he finished slaughtering and was about to set up a fire to start roasting, he was suddenly stopped by someone!

 “Can’t eat it, those fish can’t be eaten, they are poisonous!”

Xia Muyang and the two couldn't help but look at the sound, only to see the child from before shouting at them.

The child was also stunned. He didn't expect that he would meet Xia Muyang again so soon!

“How can you say this fish is poisonous? I think the water is very clear and the fish is very healthy!”

 When the child came closer, Xia Muyang couldn't help but ask.

“It’s not possible. Even though the river water is clear, it is actually more toxic than it was more than a year ago. The fish in it are also highly poisonous. My sister Minako almost died after taking a sip of this river water!”

 The child said with a somewhat depressed expression.

"Oh, is that so? I remember that the factories that discharged sewage were rectified more than a year ago. Without those factories, why did the river water become more and more toxic!" Xia Muyang asked, pretending to be confused.

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