Coupled with the series of rules and atmosphere he established, it is ensured that more than 99% of people have a strong sense of belonging to the pirate group.

 No one wants to see this community of interests break up.

If someone dares to damage this community of interests, the rebels will be brutally and ruthlessly suppressed by all members without Natsume Yang taking action.

 There are no brothers before interests!

 Two days later!

 “Welcome to join the Ice King Pirates!”

Looking at the people in front of him who were of different heights and strengths, but all of whom were good players, Natsume Yang looked at them one by one.

This made these people who were a little nervous at first feel respected, and their good impression of Natsume Yang suddenly soared.

This made Amanda have to admit that Natsume Yang was born with the qualifications for a superior.

 With one look, he subdued his rebellious brothers.

 In the Ice King Pirates, everything is developing in the normal direction.

 The training of training, the management of management, and the manufacturing of manufacturing should be done in their own way!

As for Natsume Yang, of course he was lying down like a salted fish.

There is a saying that goes well: A superior who cannot assign tasks is not a qualified superior!

Natsume Yang is convinced!

  Today, the economic development coverage of the Ice King Pirates has increased by about 60% compared to before.

There is no other way. They have obtained quotas for six countries in the world government. The increase in cooperation between countries will naturally lead to an increase in economic coverage.

 So, the business profit of 47.8 billion that was once expected to take more than ten years in Kaido's hands was achieved in just two years after Natsume Yang's management!

  Yes, the Ice Emperor Pirates' total commercial profit in two years reached 47.8 billion. In the next year, this number may double, directly catching up with the world government's annual tax revenue.

 Natsume Yang naturally did not make this number public because he was afraid of causing shock to the world!

 Once you get rich, everyone’s treatment will naturally improve. Research funding, research safety funding, machine purchase, manufacturing environment and other aspects will naturally need to be upgraded.

Even each pirate’s weapons and armor must be replaced to become stronger and harder!

Of course, taking it from the people and benefiting the people, the aid costs for the countries within the Hyokui Pirates' influence will also increase.

 In order to allow them to better promote the economic development of the Ice Emperor Pirates.

  Days pass by slowly day by day.

On this day, Natsume Yang goes out for a walk every day!

 The destination is the country of Wan!

“Hey, Wano Country is a really nice place, with beautiful scenery, strong folk customs, and the most important weapons are made really well!”

 Natsume Yang was walking on the streets of Wano Country, holding Kantsuki Chinatsu in hand, looking at the people coming and going, and listening to their philistine cries, she felt extremely comfortable, and an inexplicable sense of familiarity came to her heart.


Suddenly, a child bumped into Xia Muyang and was knocked to the ground by the force of the shock. He couldn't help but let out a cry of pain.

I saw that his face was a little pale and messy, but his hair was washed clean. Although his clothes were tattered, they were clean and had no peculiar smell.

 It's just that his body is really thin and bony, and he looks malnourished at first glance.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t hurt you!”

After the child stood up, he saw the noble aura of Natsume Yang who was hit by him, and immediately bowed in fear, fearing that Natsume Yang would be angry with him!

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