
“It’s Natsume Yang again, can’t he live in peace? Forget about blackmailing the Tianlong people, why did he conquer such a powerful combat force!”

Sakaski punched the table hard, and in his hand lay the details of Natsume Yang's blackmailing of the Tianlong people, as well as a somewhat yellowed reward order!

That above is exactly the picture of Amanda from two years ago!

 “Let’s readjust this guy’s bounty!”

“This guy was so dangerous two years ago. Although he may not have made any progress due to complete neglect of training in the past two years, now that he has joined the Ice King Pirates, he will become a major combat force sooner or later!”

Sakaski said to the navy in front of him who was responsible for the bounty order.


The marine soldier responded and retreated!

 World Government, Marie Joa!

“This guy Natsume Yang has completely ignored our world government. This is not a good sign!”

"Yes, directly harming the Tianlong people and blackmailing them is a challenge to our majesty!"

“Those Tianlong people are waiting for us to give them an explanation, but how can we give them this explanation!”

Even though the Five Old Stars hate Natsume Yang so much that they wish they could crush him into ashes, the reality is that it is simply impossible for them to do this!

If they could suppress Natsume Yang, then why would they compromise and send Natsume Yang a ransom of 500 million plus five devil fruits!

Wulaoxing, who was holding the second-generation ghost Tetsu, rubbed his brows and said: "But those idiots from the Tianlong people just want an explanation, so they won't care about it!"

Curly-haired Five Old Stars: "What happened to Saints Charles Rose and Saint Roswader made these usually domineering guys start to panic, for fear that they would also be treated like this!"

 Blonde Five Old Star: "But what can we do? That guy is someone we must not mess with now."

The Five Old Stars with Horns and Beards: "They may have never thought that there are still things that the world government cannot solve!"

What the Five Old Stars and the others said was correct. What happened to Saint Charros made these domineering guys realize one thing. It turns out that there are opponents above the sea that even the world government cannot deal with.

 They felt a little desperate, and then they began to pay more attention to the training of their own bodyguard slaves.

 As a result, powerful slaves began to be very popular!

 The next day!

A newspaper above the sea reported on Natsume Yang's blackmailing of the Celestial Dragons, and it also included Amanda's new bounty!

“Haha, the Ice Emperor is so powerful. It’s really satisfying. Finally someone like the Tianlong people has taken care of them!”

“As expected of the Ice Emperor, even the Celestial Dragons have to give in!”

“This is the Ice Emperor Natsume Yo, who is indeed the strongest man in the world! Even the world government does not dare to confront him and can only compromise!”

 The whole sea has not been boiling like this for a long time!

 And this time the excitement is still because of Natsume Yang!

“Six hundred and fifty million, the navy is quite fast!”

  Looking at Amanda’s new reward order, Natsume Yang couldn’t help but joked.

 “I believe this number will get higher in the future!”

Hearing this, Amanda, who was sitting cross-legged, opened her eyes and said calmly.

 Confident and calm! He has the confidence!

  Even though he calls himself an old man, he is actually in his early thirties. In Natsume Yang’s eyes, he is still young!

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