The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1113: So what if the Celestial Dragons are tortured?

"Shut up…!"

Once he heard this, Saint Roswader couldn't help but change his face. He quickly yelled and made such nonsense in front of Xia Muyang that he wanted to die.

 He does not have the ability to spend another billion.

 What a pity, he moved too slowly!



A cold light flashed by, and Charles Saint suddenly screamed and covered his left hand and fell to his knees.

I saw that the index finger he pointed at Xia Muyang just now fell to the ground in a daze!

"It seems that I haven't learned enough lessons yet, Holy Roswader, you can't blame me for this. If you want to blame, blame him for speaking out. You can't say these words randomly. This finger should be regarded as a lesson!"

 Natsume Yang didn't even give Saint Roswader a chance to defend himself, and forcefully told him to shut up!

"let's go…"

Saint Roswader was so angry that he was shaking all over, but the situation was stronger than others. Even as a Celestial Dragon, he could only swallow his anger!

 “It’s a good idea to leave without seeing you off, welcome to visit us next time!”

Xia Muyang still didn't forget to finish the last hit, with that abominable look, which really made Roswader wish he couldn't cut Xia Muyang into pieces, otherwise, it would be difficult to get rid of the hatred in his heart!

"let's go!"

Seeing that the matter was resolved, Smoker, who did not have much sense of existence, also led the navy team to leave!

 The surrounding people immediately dispersed in fear. They could not afford to offend anyone who could make the Celestial Dragons cringe and swallow their anger.

They don’t have the slightest courage to provoke this powerful power with fierce flames!

“Your Excellency, the bounty was quite high!”

After everyone left, Xia Muyang looked at the big man who was more than four meters tall even when he was kneeling, and moved everyone's Baileys to the warship.

“So what if the bounty is good, I have lost the dignity I had back then. This precious thing has been lost, and now I am just a slave, making the Ice Emperor laugh!”

Hearing this, the man showed a self-deprecating smile.

“Haha, once was once, now you are free, do you have any thoughts about being a new person?”

Xia Muyang smiled, staring at this man with eyes as deep as the universe.

“It is an honor for me to be recruited by the Ice Emperor. Thanks to the Ice Emperor, I still think of you as a subordinate, and not just as a slave!”

Who wouldn’t be tempted by Natsume Yang’s recruitment?

“Haha, the bounty has reached 480 million Baileys two years ago, and we even defeated the Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel. Talents like Six Style Madman Amanda, it is such a waste to be a slave!”

Xia Muyang appeared on Amanda's neck, stretched out his hand a little, and the power of ice burst out, and the sea tower stone chain cracked and cracked!

 “I’ll give you fifteen minutes to change clothes!”

After leaving such words, Xia Muyang landed on the ground again, took Kanyue Qianxia's little hand, and then the princess hugged her and floated towards the warship full of boxes containing Bailey.

Amanda moved very quickly. When she appeared in front of Natsume Yang again, she seemed to be a different person, with a completely different mental outlook.

“This is a big pirate with a bounty of 400 million!” Natsume Yang glanced at Amanda and said with a smile.

Amanda is very strong, not much worse than Walter. Of course, there is still a bit of a gap compared to Doflamingo.

 But this kind of strength is enough. Even among the Ice Emperor Pirates, it is considered to be the upper-middle class, and it is the advanced combat power second only to those of Whitebeard II!

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