Besides, she used to be from the ninja world, and she had killed quite a few people, including Saint Charlos!

“You’re dead, you dare to fight the Celestial Dragons, you’re done, you’re done…”

 Everyone around him looked at Guanyue Qianxia as if he were a dead person, with pity in their eyes!

“Why, he is allowed to bully me and I am not allowed to fight back. What kind of **** is this!”

Hearing this, Kanyue Qianxia couldn’t help but find it a little funny!

"No, the Celestial Dragons are the absolute authority. No one can harm the Celestial Dragons. Thunder, rain and dew are all blessings. We must not resist the Celestial Dragons!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as Kanyue Qianxia finished speaking, she was choked by everyone's answers!

 “Okay, I’m convinced by your answer!”

Looking at the slavish people around him, Guanyue Qianxia couldn't help but sigh, these people are hopeless!

“We have already reported it to the navy. Next, we will keep an eye on you. Don’t even think about running away!”

As soon as these words came out, Kanyue Qianxia was once again amused by the behavior of these people!

"Okay, then you just watch, I want to see, what if the navy knows that I beat the Celestial Dragons!"

Kanyue Qianxia kicked Saint Charlos hard in the chest again, "Looking at you, I feel sick. Let me see how big a fight you can cause!"

“You bastard, why don’t you let me go quickly? Listen, the admiral is coming soon!”

“If you don’t want to die, let me go quickly, then kneel down and apologize. Maybe I’ll forgive you if I’m in a good mood!”

After hearing that the people had reported to the navy, Saint Charles regained considerable confidence and began to clamor against Kanyue Qianxia again.


But what he got was a powerful slap, which almost knocked half of his face off, and seven or eight of his teeth were knocked out.

“What about the Admiral? Don’t think that the Admiral can save you. Tell you, if you make me unhappy, it’s useless for anyone to come!”

"What was originally a good day trip has been completely ruined by you. I have shown you great mercy by not killing you. If you dare to scream again, I will make you a woman forever, and then kill you!"

Hearing Kanyue Qianxia’s cold words, Saint Charlos couldn’t help but tremble with fat, and then he closed his mouth knowingly!

  In the dark!

"Can these stupid guys say such things to this aunt? Ouch, isn't this uncomfortable? Maybe, it will be a new war by then!"

“Can’t these people keep their eyes open and take a look? If you know that the Tianlong people cannot be provoked, don’t you know that this aunt cannot be provoked even more?”

“If I fight the Celestial Dragons, I will only recruit a general. This aunt has been wronged. The person who comes is the Hyo Emperor Natsume Haru. That is a strong man who can destroy the world!”

“Can you give me some help? These idiots have no eyesight at all!”

 These two navies were simply driven crazy by the saucy behavior of these people!

Most people can use this method, but who is that aunt? Can this method be used on her?

 Did the prince of the World Government die in vain?

“Stop talking so much, call the marshal and report as soon as possible, otherwise, it will really turn into a big war!”

One of the marines sighed, then took out a phone bug and dialed Sakaski directly!

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