The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1107: Do you think I have no power to tie a chicken?

"go to hell!"

Saint Charles shouted jokingly, and fired two more shots, but neither of them hit Kantsuki Qianxia!



The bullets in the gun in Saint Charles's hand have run out, but Kanyue Qianxia is still not injured at all!

Facing Kanyue Qianxia who was right in front of him, Charros shouted arrogantly: "Kneel down, kneel down and beg for mercy, beg me to let you be my wife, otherwise, I will destroy the Navy Admiral." about you!"

Facing Guanyue Qianxia, ​​he didn’t panic at all!

He has played with female pirates who are even more vicious than Kantsuki Chinatsu, so there is nothing to panic about.

 He is a Celestial Dragon, the most noble creature, who dares to touch him!

“Do you know that my good mood has been ruined just because of your stupid behavior? You can’t afford the consequences!”

 Kanyue Qianxia walked up to Saint Charlos, her face covered with frost, and she said in a cold voice.

“I don’t care how you feel! I’ve fallen in love with you, so be my wife!”

"It's your honor that I can like you. Being able to serve me, the most noble person in the world, is a blessing you have earned in eight lifetimes!"

Saint Charles sniffed and said with a rather ridiculous expression.

“With your shabby appearance, you want to possess me, and you don’t care how much you weigh. You’re not even worthy of carrying my shoes!”

Hearing this, Guan Yue Qianxia smiled contemptuously, "Others are afraid of you, the Celestial Dragon, but I'm not afraid!"

"You dare to scold me!" St. Charros's face suddenly became distorted. He pointed at the people around him and shouted: "Untouchables, kill this **** for me, or I will kill you!"

Hearing this, the people around him immediately raised their heads, their eyes filled with coldness.


I don’t know who shouted loudly, and immediately, a large number of people rushed towards Kanyue Qianxia.

 “Then I’m not welcome!”

The gaze of Kanyue Qianxia was sharp on the spot. He dared to call her a bitch. He was very angry and the consequences would be serious.

Seeing Kanyue Qianxia reaching out and smashing the cover on Saint Charlos' head, she picked him up like a chicken!

"If you come here again, he will be dead. When the time comes, you will really have no way to survive..."

 Kanyue Qianxia doesn’t think she is a kind person!

 Anyone can threaten this kind of thing!



Saint Charles was struggling in the air, his face suddenly turned red, and his eyes were full of fear and bloodshot!


 A group of people rushing towards Kanyue Qianxia suddenly braked and stopped in front of Kanyue Qianxia.

 “You are so brave to call me a bitch!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Kanyue Qianxia threw Saint Charlos to the ground. Saint Charros suddenly screamed like a slaughtered pig, which made people feel numb!

 “It hurts, right?”

Seeing this, Kanyue Qianxia suddenly smiled with bright eyes, and her long legs in casual denim trampled down without mercy, hitting Saint Charles on the bridge of his nose without any hesitation!


There was another scream, and the bones cracked loudly!

“You disturbed my shopping, you ruined my good mood completely, and the consequences will be serious, don’t you know?”

Kan Yue Qianxia now looks like a female devil, without even the slightest bit of a fairy feeling.

However, don’t forget, she was once a Shichibukai, and she was able to frighten the pirates in the first half of the Grand Route who had a bounty of more than 300 million. How could she be so helpless?

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