Im they don’t know it, but they do!

 Previously, they only knew that the war ended inexplicably. It seemed that the navy suffered even more.

 So, they roughly guessed that the Ice King Pirates should have won!


 What they never expected was this!

Not only did Natsume Yoo defeat the navy, she even captured the Marshal of the World Government!

 Hey, hey, hey, dear, this is too fierce!

That was the Marshal-in-Chief of the World Government, a powerful man of the same level as the Four Emperors, and he was captured and taken as a prisoner!

 Natsume Yang is simply amazing!

 For a time, an unknown number of pirates who went to sea shouted: "Go to the New World and join the Ice King Pirates!"

 And the name of Ice Emperor has become a name worshiped by the whole people.

 His status is completely higher than the other three sea emperors!

 From now on, in the new world, there is another pirate level!

 It is nothing to dominate a country, but what about becoming the king of the sea?

 Becoming an emperor like Natsume Yang will be considered the highest personal achievement!


 “Fufufu is indeed a monster, it’s really scary!”

 Doflamingo grinned evilly, with fear in his eyes.


“This guy brings us surprises one after another!”

Bigumam was sitting on the throne, with a look of fear on his face and eyes.

It only took Xia Muyang less than four years to go from being unknown to being at the top of the world!

 Before him, no one had ever been able to do this.

 And he not only did it, but he also did it better than anyone else!

 What does it mean to be an outstanding person? This is it!

 Time has passed in the blink of an eye, half a month has passed!

On this day, Natsume Yang was still doing soy sauce, like a young man with nothing to do, riding a three-tail, wandering aimlessly on the sea.

 Fighting is such a headache, how can traveling be so comfortable?

 “The weather is so sunny today…!”

 “I’m in a good mood…!”


Natsume Yang, who was in a good mood, couldn't help humming a tune, and he felt that today's scenery was particularly stylish!

 “You are in such a good mood today, what good things have you thought of?”

On the side, Kantsuki Qianxia looked at Natsume Yang and asked.

“The weather is so nice, so I’m naturally in a good mood! What’s more, without an official position, I’m light-hearted. Now I’m the boss of the house and no longer have to worry about those trivial things. Can I feel bad?”

Xia Muyang glanced at Kanyue Qianxia and said with a smile.

"You, it's always like this. When things are almost done, you leave them to others and become the boss yourself!"

“Aren’t you afraid that others will not follow your wishes, which will eventually lead to the development of things completely deviating from your expectations?”

Hearing this, Kanyue Qianxia couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and then asked.

After hearing this, Xia Muyang smiled again: "Haha, what's there to be afraid of? In the worst case, I'll just correct it again!"

“Besides, one person’s power is always limited, so don’t assign things to multiple people and let them manage and execute them together!”

“In this way, they can supervise each other and make progress without worrying about going too far beyond my expectations!”

 “Well, you always have a point!” Kanyue Qianxia saw that she couldn’t talk to Natsume Yang at all, so she decisively shut up!

 “Whoa whoa whoa!”

At this moment, a news bird flew past Natsume Yang, and then dropped a newspaper!

Xia Muyang raised his hand and shot out the coins, caught the newspaper, and then swept it upward.

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