"Understood, Captain!" Jhin nodded and walked towards the pirate ship behind him.

 Then, I saw Im and Kong being escorted over.

Im, it seems like nothing has happened, and he is living quite well.

“People, I’ll leave it to you, Caribu, what are you doing in a daze? It’s time to move the money. Don’t you feel tempted by so much money?”

 Natsume Yang kicked Caribu on the butt, feeling very angry.

This guy looked like he had fallen in the eyes of money. He looked at the treasures motionless and drooled. It was really embarrassing to watch.

 “Jiejiejie, yes, captain!”

After being kicked awake by Natsume Yang, Caribu wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and called for help to move the treasure!

 The whole process took a full hour!

 Caribu almost worships Natsume Yo to death. What is a big pirate? This is it!

“Well, the deal is completed, we will leave first. Welcome Mr. Im to take care of our business again!”

  Before leaving, Xia Muyang did not forget to make a joke, which almost made Im's blood spurt out.

 If we take care of them a few more times, their world government will be hollowed out!

“Go back and develop your power. We won’t be able to attack Natsume Yang again for at least fifteen years!”

“That guy’s strength has surpassed that of the entire sea. He can reach the general level with just a few moves!”

Before leaving, Im looked deeply at Xia Muyang, and then said in a deep voice to the blond five old stars behind him.


The blond Five Old Star nodded in response. After following Im for so many years, this was the first time he saw Im so afraid of someone.

 Let him not dare to make plans for anyone for fifteen years!

“Go ahead, five billion of these two billion should be divided according to merit, and the other fifteen billion should be used to support various factories and poor countries within our borders!”

Seeing Caribu staring at the treasures with his mouth watering, Xia Muyang couldn't help but shook his head.

The Ice King Pirates!

When he learned that Natsume Yang suddenly took out 5 billion to reward everyone, even Kaido felt a little chilly.

 Five billion, that’s not a small amount of money, just use it as a reward? This generous move to win over people's hearts really made Kaido's scalp numb!

 At least, he, Kaido, would never be able to do it, and he would never think or do it like this!

“Everyone, after taking the money, you should eat and drink. But one thing is, you are not allowed to take anything by force. Everything must be in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Ice Emperor Law. Do you understand?”

Natsume Yang must set a saddle for these vicious pirates, otherwise, God knows what crazy things they will do.


 “Don’t worry, Captain!”

 Everyone swore and patted their chests.

Within the Hyōtei Pirates' sphere of influence, all pirates have a Hyōtei Law on their heads that binds them. This is a rule and regulations set by Natsume Yang to restrain these people!

 There is not much content, just dozens of items!

 Mainly to protect the people of those countries within the sphere of influence.

 Otherwise, with such strong power, God knows what cruel things these subordinates will do to ordinary people.

“Finally, everything is almost settled, and you can start living a simple life!”

 Natsume Yang was lying on the roof of his base camp, leaning against the rays of the sun and squinting his eyes.

What Natsume Yang didn’t know was that the news about his deal with the World Government spread throughout the sea in just a few hours.

 Suddenly, there was an earthquake-like sensation on the sea.

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