Redhead Camp!

The red-haired man sat alone on the edge of the sea: "Xia Muyang, I didn't expect you to succeed so quickly, even faster than the captain back then!"

“Back then, the captain had most of his life force taken away, and one person solved the secret. I don’t know how much life force was sucked out of you! I think the loss is not small, Natsume Yang!”

 “If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight! This is an eternal theorem!”

Kripas Island!

“Natsume Yang has actually succeeded, as expected of that guy!” Marco couldn’t help but sigh.

“The next person who wants to become the Pirate King will still need to pass his test even after reaching the final land!”

 Ace’s face looked solemn!

 There is no doubt that Luffy is one of the next ones!

“Some people are really born to do great things, just like Natsume Yang!”

 Foil Bista took a sip of wine and sighed.

“Although I don’t agree with it a bit, this is indeed the truth!” Diamond Jozi also sighed.


“Fufufu, you move so fast!” Doflamingo sat on the window sill and laughed evilly.

 Revolutionary Army Headquarters!

"Pirate King, on Luffy's way, a super tiger came!"

 Dolag stood on a natural cliff and looked at the gloomy sky.

Of course, the big guys in the new world all have different views!

 Surprise, joy, fear. It’s all there!

 Suddenly, the sea, which was beginning to become chaotic, suddenly had many new pirates!

 The essence of being a pirate is to plunder!

 As a result, the number of murders on the sea increased dramatically, so much that the navy began to be unable to handle them all!

 An unprecedented era of chaos seems to be coming!

Just when people all over the world began to curse Natsume Yang, resentful that Natsume Yang had brought so much danger and chaos to their lives, and wanted to boycott all the products manufactured by Natsume Yang, Natsume Yang actually sent troops!

 Under the guise of opening up routes and maintaining the routes of the Ice Emperor Pirates, he was not at all polite to those pirates who blocked their routes.

 Furthermore, all countries and forces that cooperate with the Ice Emperor Pirates will receive the blessing of the Ice Emperor Pirates!

 For the people!

 As long as you are still using items made by the Ice Emperor Pirates, you will be blessed by the Ice Emperor Pirates’ pirate flag!

As long as there are pirates messing around, they are against the Ice Emperor Pirates! See one, kill one!

 Ever since, people all over the world suddenly discovered one thing. Instead of waiting for the navy to protect themselves, they should pray to the Ice King Pirates to protect themselves!

 At least, the Ice King Pirates' deterrent power, strike strength, assistance speed, etc. are far higher than the navy!

 Their lives are greatly protected!

 The shocking effect of **** killings is powerful!

 The pirate craze at sea was strangled in the cradle before it could grow in strength!

 After this action, the Ice Emperor Pirates' business expansion rate increased by half a percent!

Even the Warring States Period had to admire Natsume Yang, his methods were really bold!

 The effect is quite obvious. The hostility of many people towards the Ice King Pirates has weakened a lot!

 But when I thought about the upcoming negotiations, my heart ached again!

 Twenty billion, the share of six countries, and their navy is an indispensable big head among them!

 The navy is bleeding heavily!

 He could even see the scenes of the soldiers wailing...

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