The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1087: New history, become the Pirate King

"Don't bully others too much!" Upon hearing this, the blue-haired woman suddenly changed her face!

 “Haha, you’ve gone too far to bully others? What’s wrong with bullying you? Our captain is the emperor of the sea!”

Kira and Apu both laughed at the same time, and then said.

“In other words, we can’t leave without leaving something behind today, right?” the middle-aged man asked at first.

 Apu: “Smart!”

 Behind him, more and more members of the Ice Emperor Pirates gathered around him.

Although they are not very famous among the Ice King Pirates, each of them is basically worth over 100 million.

“Jie Jie Jie, Mr. Apu, can I help you kill them all?”

 An extremely cold voice suddenly came, and Kalibu, the supernova of this generation, smiled and took out a super powerful sniper from his belly!

 Apu: “Just what I want!”

  Kira: “I think it’s okay!”

 The two of them had no objection!

 “Jie Jie Jie, you dare to target the Ice King Pirates, you really don’t know how to live or die!”

Seeing that the two people did not object, Caribu immediately put his hand on the trigger, and the people on the boat suddenly became alert.

 The battle is about to break out!

 “Forget it, let them go!”

 “Cure the team and go home!”

Just when Caribu was about to pull the trigger, a calm but majestic voice came over.

Everyone couldn't help but look and saw Princess Xia Muyang holding Kanyue Qianxia suspended in the air. She looked down at the people on the boat and said, "I'll let you go today so you can take care of yourself!"

 The people on this boat dare not show off their dignity!

The look that Natsume Yang gave just now made them feel as if they had entered **** directly, like an abyss and a prison, extremely terrifying!

 “Jie Jie Jie, the captain is still kind-hearted!”

 Carib immediately put away his sniper rifle, then turned into a puddle of mud and headed towards the Ark warship.

“What a pity. If I had known, I would have killed you earlier!”

Kira jumped down from the sail pole, stood in front of them and said with a pity tone, and then left too!

 Enter Noah!

"Our goal has been achieved, let's go back. Next, there will be another period of rapid development for us, so everyone must be prepared!"

 Looking at the elite soldiers on the ship, Xia Muyang said.

With this kind of lineup, in the entire One Piece world, he may be the only one who can intimidate them!

 They left, taking with them two powerful prisoners!

 And the people on the boat just watched Xia Muyang and his party leave.

It wasn't until Natsume Yang and others had left for some distance that these people let out a long sigh of relief!


  That look in Natsume Yang’s face before was simply imprinted in their hearts and could become their psychological shadow!

 Three days later!

The main force of the Navy returned to the Navy Headquarters, and the news of their defeat spread throughout the world in an instant!


 The sea is boiling again!

 The pirates went crazy!

What is Niubi!

  Natsume Yang This is it!

  Defeated the navy, climbed to Larudef, and stood at the top of all pirates. After more than ten years, the title of Pirate King fell to Natsume Yo!


 “Well, well, what a terrifying man!” Bigumam said with deep eyes.

Katakuri was standing next to her, squinting his eyes slightly, and the jelly beans in his hand kept flying: "After all, he is the Ice Emperor, who has the power to make all the impossible possible!"

Bigumam: “Cancel the action plan!”

Katakuri nodded: "From now on, this guy will be untouchable!"

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