“You see, you are already a turtle in a urn, do you think you still have the strength to struggle?”

“Isn’t it better to be the emperor of the sea? Why come here to die!”

 “Your honor! Status! After you die, they will become our property!”

Yim opened his mouth to strike again, making the pirates even more desperate.

“Guanyue Qianxia, ​​all this starts with you!”

Im suddenly raised her hand to Kanyue Qianxia, ​​and then, when she reached out a little, an attack like a tailed beast jade was fired out.

 It was as fast as lightning, giving Kanyue Qianxia no chance to react and dodge.

 “Not good!” All the pirates were shocked!

 “Am I going to die here?”

 Kantsuki Qianxia felt a strong sense of death threat, and her pupils involuntarily shrank into needle-like shapes!

 “Immortal Magic, Ice Beast Technique, Ice Bear!”

However, just when Kanyue Qianxia was about to be hit, a voice suddenly came out, followed by a terrifying force of ice.

A two-meter-tall ice bear appeared in front of Kantsuki Qianxia, ​​blocking the blow for Kantsuki Qianxia!

The sudden change caused everyone to look towards the place where the sound came from just now - the place where Natsume Yang was sealed.


The four black energy walls cracked with a crack.

Then, the cracks became more and more numerous, and became more and more dense, until finally it shattered to the ground in front of everyone.

How can it be! "

Yim looked at Natsume Yang who walked out of the energy wall safely with some excitement, his eyes filled with disbelief.

 “Why is it impossible!”

I just wanted to experience what your abilities are. Now, I almost have a conclusion!

“So, it’s time for this war to enter its real critical moment.”

With that said, Natsume Yang disappeared from the spot with a whoosh, then appeared in front of Jin, grabbed him and left.

 Then, he appeared next to Whitebeard II Sidell and captured him as well.

 Then, he took out two bottles of red potion and drank them down.


The next moment, majestic vitality suddenly burst out from their bodies, and their injuries healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

 And their aura, under the gaze of everyone, became stronger and stronger, climbing towards their heyday.

 “Everyone, can you still fight?”

Xia Muyang stood up, pulled out the Ice Spirit Sword and pointed at the sky and asked.


Just a simple sentence and an action, but it seemed to inject soul and infinite power into the entire Ice King Pirates instantly.

 The pirates shouted loudly and their morale was high. The sky was scattered, and I didn't dare to fight against this sound.

 “Then let’s fight!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Xia Muyang disappeared from the same place, and then appeared directly in front of Im.

Still the same, Im pulled out a fine steel sword out of thin air and collided with Natsume Yang.


With a bang, the entire sky moved, and the ice underneath exploded.

“Hmph, you are seeking your own death. Since I was able to kill you once, I can kill you again!”

Yimu exerted force on Xia Muyang's arm and shook Xia Muyang away.

 But just when he was about to use his ability, he saw Natsume Yang shouting: "Frozen Eyes!"


Half of Im's body froze immediately. Im was horrified. With a thought, he instantly turned into a molten man, preventing his body from being frozen.

However, when he set his sights on Xia Mu Yang again, he had already lost trace of Xia Mu Yang!

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