The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1067: Wake up, you trash of the sea

“Chinatsu-sama is right, what are you afraid of? We are all the elites of the sea! Natsumeyo-sama once said that there is no garbage in the Ice Emperor Pirates!”

"Hahaha, what about the navy? If you are afraid of him, you will die! Labor and capital are not afraid of death. Let you know how powerful labor and capital are!"

"Yes, we are members of the strongest pirate group! So what about the navy? So what if we lose this war?"

“Several years later, there are still legends of labor and capital on the sea, hahaha, you can make money with blood!”

The pirates of the Ice King Pirates suddenly became extremely excited as if they had been given a shot of blood.

 All the people from the Navy and World Government present could not help but feel frightened!

  Lieutenant General He couldn't help but cast his eyes on Kanyue Qianxia, ​​feeling as if he was meeting her for the first time.

“I thought she was just a vase, a plaything in Xia Muyang’s hands, and she was only attracted by Xia Muyang because of her beauty!\"

"Now it seems that she was appreciated by Natsume Yang for her true ability! If this woman were a man, her achievements would be no less than those of the Four Emperors!"

 General Hezhong gave Qianxia a very high evaluation.

  A woman can mobilize the morale of so many people and convince them independently with her not-too-high strength.

This kind of natural superiority temperament is simply terrifying.

"I thought you were just a vase. Even if you summoned that monster before, I didn't think it was that big of a deal!"

“But now, I must say that I have indeed underestimated you. Your natural leadership temperament will definitely become the enemy of my world government in the future!

Im couldn't help but look at Kantsuki Qianxia, ​​and then smiled and said: "Since you are so confident, I will give you a little more chips!"

"In this way, after you go crazy, you will be completely desperate, and you will no longer say these passionate words!"

"Choo Choo Choo!"

As soon as Im finished speaking, several laser beams suddenly shot out from Larudef Island.

 The pirates did not expect that there would be a sudden attack from behind, and they were completely unprepared.

"Puff puff!"


In an instant, a large number of pirates fell down, causing a panic.

 “Look, there’s a navy behind us too, and there’s a pacifist too!”

 “Damn it, we’re surrounded! We’re in a real desperate situation!”

 The Pacifists, the Navy, another force formed by the World Government, finally show up.

 They slowly surrounded them from the rear, completely surrounding the Ice Emperor Pirates, leaving them with no way out.

The passionate atmosphere just now was gone all of a sudden.

“Pirates, at this point, I really don’t know where you got the courage to think that you can’t lose!”

“I will tell you now, today, this is your burial place!”

“You trash on the sea have been causing harm to the sea for so long, it’s time to pay homage to the law!”

 Hong Kong strolled over with a steady pace, blocking the pirates' retreat.

 Here, there are wolves in front, tigers behind, and the desperate situation guarded by Im in the sky, completely formed.

The Ice Emperor Pirates have no hope at all!

“Damn it, is there really no hope?”

 “How could Natsume Yang be defeated so easily? It shouldn’t be!”

Facing Sora's reappearance, even Kantsuki Chinatsu couldn't help but feel a little desperate.

This situation is completely hopeless!

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