The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1065: Have you ever been kicked by light?

 “Tailed Beast Cannon!”

The ice under King Mu's feet exploded with a large hole of 150 meters.

 The breath in his mouth was so terrifying, it gave the surrounding pirates the same feeling as they had just faced the pressure of gravity, even stronger.


 A destructive light cannon shot up into the sky and collided with the small meteorite.


 The meteorite exploded!

A breath that feels like the destruction of the world is rolling in and pressing in.

There are also dazzling terrifying light cannons, which seem to be able to tear apart space, making people terrified.

The sky is filled with twisted air waves, which are visible to the naked eye. They are destroying the sky crazily, causing it to continuously howl in pain.

The strong wind that could sweep everything finally came, and many people were blown away in an instant.

 The remaining people were struggling to resist.

 “I have exhausted too much strength, I’m leaving first!”

King Mu stood unwavering in the strong wind. After saying something to Guanyue Qianxia, ​​he disappeared in front of Guanyue Qianxia with a bang.

This huge movement lasted for more than a minute before it stopped. There was no complete ice layer in a radius of one kilometer.

 The losses on both sides were huge, but no matter how you look at it, the navy's winning rate was much greater.

“Ahem, is this a confrontation between real monsters in the new world?”

“It’s really terrifying, and it’s not something that a play-actor like us can compare to!”

Kidd stood up awkwardly from the ground and said breathlessly, with some lingering fear on his face.

 Fujitora is definitely serious!

 In the original work, the meteorite he used against Doflamingo and Law was only over sixty cubic meters in size, but it already made Doflamingo's scalp numb.

And of the two just now, the smallest one is two hundred cubic meters, and the power is at least three times more powerful!

 “The ice cube bursts into the pheasant’s mouth!”

The Aoki Pheasant's sudden attack once again kicked off the war. A powerful ice bird more than fifty meters long headed straight for Kaido.

 Kaido was a little numb. After being defeated by Natsume Yang, he had a bit of a psychological shadow on Bing.


 But Kaido will not be timid, Aokiji is much weaker than Natsume Yo.

 In dragon form, directly grab this ice bird that has the ability to freeze all objects it touches.

The blood boiled and spurted out, and the sharp claws burst out with huge force, tearing the ice bird apart directly.

 “Thunder Laser!”

 Kaido aimed his gaze at Aokiji, and multiple light-like thunder and lightning rained down from the sky, directly piercing through his body.


  The hit Aoki pheasant turned into ice cubes, which was not unexpected by Kaido at all.

Ao Pheasant appeared again and rushed straight to Kaido on moon steps.

With the power of ice lingering all over his body, he grabbed a long sword from the air and struck Kaido.


Affected by the wind and waves just now, after everything calmed down, before he could react, Kizaru came with a lewd smile.

 “Have you ever been kicked by a light? Speed ​​is power!”

Jin was so horrified that he only had time to draw out his long sword and block it in front of him before he was kicked away by Kizaru.


The ember flew nearly a hundred meters above the ice.

 Everything happened so fast that Jhin had no time to react and was hit hard.

 “Damn it…poof!”

Jin stood up from the ground in the distance, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

 At this moment, his eyes lit up again, and Kizaru appeared again.


Kizaru raised his hand and a laser beam shot out. Jin did not dare to neglect and immediately swung his sword to disperse the attack.

But Kizaru got close again and launched another light-speed kick.

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