The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1064: King Mu, I’m sorry to bother you.

 “He is an admiral after all, awesome!”

 Kaido sighed in admiration, and then he heard the blood in his body suddenly surge and gurgling.

His whole body exudes a red light, his blood is like a rainbow, and his muscles are like a dragon.

 The strong heart sounded in the ears of everyone present like the big bell of Honglu.

 “This is the horror of Kaido the Beast!”

 “What a strong blood, what a strong body!”

 Everyone around could not help but admire him.

 “Gravity Knife Meteorite!”

Fujitora calmly slashed into the air, and a wave of light spread out and broke through the sky!


The next moment, a burning hot meteorite with a volume of more than 200 cubic meters hit Kaido on the head.

 Fujitora is not only called a monster, he is so terrifying!

This is not over yet, there is a lava meteorite that is 500 meters larger behind the meteorite.

The mere appearance made all the pirates frightened!

 “Hey, hey, hey, that’s too much!”

 “Are you kidding us? We can’t handle this kind of attack!”

 Even people like Hawkins and Kidd were frightened by Fujitora's move.

Although this is not as good as the two cubic kilometer lava meteorite that Im summoned before, they are not Natsume Yang either!

 Everyone seems to have seen a scene of purgatory on earth.


The pirates who knew they were outnumbered dared to stay where they were, and they all tried to escape in a panic.

 “Gravity Knife Pressure!”

 But at this moment, Fujitora's slow but majestic voice sounded again.

 Then, everyone seemed to be fixed in place and could only wait to die!


 The pirates were completely desperate and shouted angrily unwillingly!

"I won't... just... die here!"

 “Psychic Five Tails!”

Kanzuki Qianxia was also in the team. She bit her finger and struggled to complete the mudra within three seconds.


A huge pressure came suddenly, and a big white beast like a foal emerged from the smoke!

“King Mu, I’ll leave that small meteorite to you!” Guanyue Qianxia said to King Mu.

“Hey, hey, hey, what world is this? The auras of these people are quite terrifying!”

“Also, even I am a little reluctant when facing this kind of meteorite!” King Mu complained with a wry smile.

 Then, a terrifying chakra aura erupted from the whole body, and red, blue, and black particles gathered at a rapid speed.

 “Kaido, I leave that big meteorite to you, Kaido!”

Kanzuki Chinatsu shouted at Kaido with a pale face.

 “That’s natural!”

 Kaido seemed completely unaffected by the pressure of gravity, and the aura around him became even more terrifying.

 Then, it transformed into a vigorous and fierce hundred-meter-long dragon and flew into the sky.

Facing the huge meteorite that seemed capable of burning everything, he stretched out his claws.

The sky suddenly turned black, and then thunderclouds gathered, and thunder snakes danced wildly, lighting up the entire sea.

 “The God of Thunder sighs!” Kaido roared!

I saw countless terrifying thunder and lightnings crashing into the world, piercing the meteorite in an instant, dividing it into countless pieces, and aimed at Fujitora and rained down furiously.

 “Gravity Knife Tiger!”

 Fujitora had no choice but to release the gravity pressure, and then, facing the thunder that was about to hit him, he swung out sword energy one after another.


 The air was directly distorted, but the thunder and lightning continued to break through the distorted air with great stamina, trying to hit Fujitora.

The scene was truly spectacular, causing the air to tremble and hum continuously.

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