The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1059: World-destroying meteorite pile


In the sky, a giant palm covering the sky solidified in an instant, and then fell towards Natsume Yang and the others.

 Xia Muyang and others' heads suddenly turned black, and the air collapsed.

 The terrifying oppression was as powerful as billions of dollars. Except for Kaido and other top combatants, everyone else was instantly suppressed.

 The frozen sea instantly exploded into a huge palm print!

 The terrifying pressure caused the frozen sea to tremble violently and cracks continued!

 “Hey, hey, are you kidding? How can this be true!”

 “If this isn’t true, why do I feel so real!”

  Everyone could not help but be shocked. This terrifying pressure that was about to crush them was really terrifying.

Looking at the giant palm falling towards them like a natural disaster, Xia Muyang said in his heart: "It's like an illusion, but not quite real!"

“But it can produce real feelings, what kind of fruit ability does this guy have!”

   " Ice Emperor's Thousand Worlds!"

 A hundred-meter ice sword soared into the sky, and then, it struck out with a slash.


A sword that could even tear the space slightly tore apart this giant palm with one blow.

 Then, the palm instantly dissipated, leaving no remains at all.

"What's going on? The tearing feeling just now was obviously real, but why did it suddenly dissipate like a bubble!"

Seeing this, Xia Muyang frowned even more!

 “Amazing, amazing, what about this!” Im said a few words in admiration.

Then, he saw a fist of lava suddenly appearing in front of him, spreading over a hundred meters in radius, as if the heart of the sun had fallen.

Then, a fiery red meteorite in the sky that covered an area of ​​at least one kilometer also pressed out circles of air patterns in the air and descended with a bang!

 “Hey, hey, are you kidding? Is this really something that humans can do!”

Kaido on the side is about to explode. This kind of attack makes his scalp numb.


As soon as Im gave the order, the fists of lava in the sky seemed to affect the entire air, turning the entire sky into a lava **** in an instant, and the air was blurred.

Natsume Yang felt a terrifying crisis, and without thinking, he slapped the ice layer hard: "Immortal magic blocks the ice wall!"


Seeing that the surrounding icy power was gathered together, it turned into a thick arc-shaped ice wall a hundred meters long and more than 30 meters high, protecting them all.

 “The Immortal Ice Emperor’s Great Thousand Worlds!”

Sixteen ice swords appeared in the sky above their heads, and then caused the space to tremble and merge into one. Then, a sword tore through the space and struck out.


The power of the fists of lava like a rainstorm is simply terrifying. Each of them seems to have a huge force. It may not be impossible to destroy an island.

The ice wall was such a terrifying defense that it actually trembled, and there were craters on it.


The sky was directly torn apart, the space was also torn apart, and everything around it was going to be torn apart!

 The sea is trembling, the ice sword and the meteorite are passing by at once!

Then, it suddenly split into terrifying blocks of lava that filled the sky, falling towards Natsume Yang and the others like a world-destroying meteor shower. The roaring wind covered up all the surrounding sounds.


Xia Muyang saw Imu keenly and groaned when the meteorite shattered, and a flash of understanding flashed in his heart.

Then he manipulated the ice barrier to envelop everyone inside.

If an attack of this level is destroyed, he will also suffer a backlash!

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