"This time, I won't underestimate you anymore, I will kill you with my own hands!"

“There is no room for two tigers in one mountain. In the world of pirates, it is enough for me to stand out alone!”

“As for you, I will never allow you to become a threat to me!”

 Natsume Yang and his party are getting closer and closer to Larudef Island.

 A pirate with a bounty of 300 million on his head was excited to be the first to set foot on the island!

 Then, something horrifying happened!

He suddenly aged, and his black hair turned extremely silver under the gaze of Natsume Yang and the others.


Xia Muyang couldn't help being shocked and immediately pulled him out.

 When Xia Muyang pulled him out, forehead wrinkles actually appeared on his head.

“This island is so evil!”

Xia Muyang squinted at the island and made a gesture to tell everyone to be calm.

What he didn’t know was that Im couldn’t help but roar in his heart.

He never expected that there was no problem here, but in the end something went wrong with the Devil Fruit mother tree.

The Devil Fruit mother tree actually didn't go according to plan, causing all his planned plans to go down the drain.

 “Asshole, **** Devil Fruit tree!”

If possible, Im really wants to tear the Devil Fruit mother tree into pieces.

“That’s all, they are in a state of confusion now. Attacking them at this time is also a good choice!”


Yimu whispered, and then appeared behind Natsume Yang and the others like a phantom.

He stretched out his hand and pushed forward, and a huge repulsive force spurted out.

  Everyone could not help but be shocked. Before they could react to what was going on, they were all blown into Larudef Island like kites with broken strings.

"don't want!"

Seeing that they were about to fall onto the island, everyone couldn't help but scream in horror!

 The fate of the man just now made them all understand that this island is very evil.

 No one wants to be like that person just now, but they have no way to avoid it.

 “The ice forest is coming!”

Just when they were desperate, Natsume Yang's voice suddenly rang in their ears.

Extreme icy power raged out, and branches of ice rose from the ground, entwining themselves into a huge network of ice trees.

 Everyone fell inside, only half a meter away from the island's ground.

 “Im, we meet again!”

Xia Muyang looked at Im floating in the sky, narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

“We meet again, Natsume Yang, look at it, this will be your burial place!”

Yim also narrowed his eyes and showed a bloodthirsty smile.

 He is a very dignified middle-aged man, exuding a terrifying oppression that is disgraceful!

 Between opening and closing his eyes, a frightening light flashed through his eyes.

 As soon as he appeared, the air became much heavier.

“Pfft, I’m afraid you’re trying to catch your dream, we are all adults, can you speak more maturely!”

After hearing this, Xia Muyang couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Then, he continued: "Besides, I didn't come alone today. Do you think you can deal with our entire pirate group?"

Hearing this, Im cast a sidelong glance at these people and said contemptuously: "We are not strong enough, no matter how many we have, they are just trash fishes!"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand towards Xia Muyang and slapped it with an angry palm.

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