The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1038: Don't know where to start

“What, the Navy has dispatched so many high-level combat forces, is Sakaski crazy?”

 “Are you really planning to make a last-ditch effort? Sakaski!”

  The pirates in the New World were secretly frightened.

 They thought that sending a general to the navy was already a big deal!

Who would have thought that they would actually send out such a terrifying lineup, which would give them no way to survive!

As for why Sakaski dared to be so bold, the specific reason has to go back half a day!

 Half a day ago!

 The Holy Land of World Government, Mary Joa!

"The current situation is already the best! However, Natsume Yang's strength has completely exceeded our expectations!"

"If the three generals are dispatched at the same time, they may be able to compete with him!"

 “But under today’s current situation, this idea is obviously impossible!”

“There are three other emperors above the sea that need to be monitored, and each emperor must be equipped with general-level combat capabilities…”

“But in this case, the combat power against the Ice Emperor Pirates is obviously not enough!”

Sakaski glanced at all the big guys present with a sad look on his face, rarely feeling a little at a loss.

 “Natsumeyo is simply a cancer!”

“Even if it affects the movements of the entire world, it is still so powerful that it cannot be easily eliminated even if you want to!”

The blond Five Old Star narrowed his eyes and said in a cold voice.

"Indeed, as long as Xia Muyang's matter is resolved, everything will be easy to talk about! The other three emperors will not be a problem!"

A sharp cold light suddenly flashed through the slit of the curly-haired Five Old Star's eyes.

 As the world’s highest power controllers, although the mere Sea Emperor is troublesome, it is not impossible to solve.

At this time, Warring States on the side said: "You must be fully prepared to deal with Natsume Yang!"

“I have studied all his behaviors from the time he appeared to the present, and found that he has not shown much of his trump cards so far!”

“At least, our impression of him so far is that he only has ice abilities and is very powerful in swordsmanship!”

“Besides this, we don’t know if he has any other trump cards!”

"However, based on Aoki's description of his first fight with him, and the records of his first battle in this world, he seems to have a potion that can temporarily increase his strength!"

“We have no idea how many potions he has left, so we have to be fully prepared!”

The five old stars holding the second-generation ghost scratched their heads and said, "So, this Natsume Yang is really in a situation where no one can do anything to him. This is the reason why he is so arrogant!"

“Having said all that, why not think of ways to deal with him!”

“There are no people without weaknesses in this world. It must be because we haven’t discovered it yet!” Sakaski clenched his fists and said in a deep voice.

As a naval marshal, he will never allow things to happen where he is unable to deal with evil forces.


 But what he got in exchange was a helpless sigh from the Warring States Period.

To be honest, Sakaski rarely saw Warring States look like this, and he felt even more uneasy.

Of course, if the Warring States Period had its way, it wouldn't be like this.

 The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became a little depressing and dull!

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